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SNA - a toolbox for the stoichiometric analysis of metabolic networks

R Urbanczik
Journal / Anthology

Year: 2006
Volume: 7
Page range: Art. # 129

Background: Despite recent algorithmic and conceptual progress, the stoichiometric network analysis of large metabolic models remains a computationally challenging problem.

Results: SNA is a interactive, high performance toolbox for analysing the possible steady state behaviour of metabolic networks by computing the generating and elementary vectors of their flux and conversions cones. It also supports analysing the steady states by linear programming. The toolbox is implemented mainly in Mathematica and returns numerically exact results. It is available under an open source license from: http:// bioinformatics. org/ project/? group_ id= 546.

Conclusion: Thanks to its performance and modular design, SNA is demonstrably useful in analysing genome scale metabolic networks. Further, the integration into Mathematica provides a very flexible environment for the subsequent analysis and interpretation of the results.

*Science > Bioinformatics
*Wolfram Technology > Programming > Packages and Contexts

genomics, metabolic networks, linear programming, stoichiometric analysis