1311 videos match your search.
Michael Gamer An in depth analysis using The Wolfram Language on over six million Google search results prior to the German election in September 2017. |
金光安芸子 Mathematica12 では,新しい関数が追加されるだけでなく,インターフェイスや他のプログラミング言語との相互運用性の向上,コアな言語の効率化など様々な改良もされている.今回は,OverViewとして,最適化,幾何学,可視化の新しい機能と,ニューラルネットワーク(VAE,GAN)の例を紹介する. |
岡崎 耕太郎 Wolfram CommunityのFeatured Contributor でもある富士通株式会社の岡崎氏は,Machine learningへのMathematicaの活用について,deep learningによる音楽生成,クローリング・スクレイピングによるデータ収集,紙面上のグラフのデータ化等,Wolfram Communityの活用実践例を紹介する. |
丸山耕司 |
丸山耕司 Nested samplingアルゴリズムによる”evidence”の計算の実装と,ニューラルネットワークのベイズ推定への応用を紹介する |
岩淵 勇樹 画像処理や音声処理にも長けたMathematicaでは,画像から音声,また音声から画像への変換を短いWolfram言語プログラムで実装できる.面白法人カヤックの岩淵氏は,数や音声の可視化,幾何学図形の可聴化のほか,フラクタル図形を可聴化するアート活動「フラクタル音楽」について紹介する. |
During the 2018 Wolfram Technology Conference keynote, Stephen Wolfram announces the establishment of Wolfram Blockchain Labs—a new DLT-focused subsidiary of Wolfram Research—along with expanded built-in blockchain functionality in the ... |
Riccardo Di Virgilio Riccardo Di Virgilio talks with us about Wolfram Client Library for Python. |
Matteo Salvarezza Matteo Salvarezza talks about what's new in the Wolfram Neural Net Framework. |
Chad Knutson Chad Knutson, Wolfram application developer, talks about Wolfram Tech Services projects. |
Etienne Bernard Etienne Bernard, algorithms R&D lead architect, discusses the neural net functions in the Wolfram Language. |
Tuseeta Banerjee Tuseeta Banerjee, Wolfram research scientist, talks about building neural network applications in the Wolfram Language. |
Devendra Kapadia Devendra Kapadia, algorithms R&D kernel developer, discusses implementing calculus in the Wolfram Language. |
Abrita Chakravarty Abrita Chakravarty, training and development specialist, discusses course development in the realm of data science and Wolfram Language training for Wolfram U. |
Kevin Daily Kevin Daily, Junior User Interface Developer, talks about game design in the Wolfram Language. Read more about Kevin's horde-mode modification of the first stage of Castlevania written in the Wolfram ... |
Shadi Ashnai Shadi Ashnai, Wolfram image signal processing manager, discusses and demonstrates new image and signal processing functions in the Wolfram Language. |
Christian Pasquel Christian Pasquel, Wolfram WRSA connectivity manager, talks about interacting with blockchains from the Wolfram Language. |
Carlo Barbieri Carlo Barbieri talks about relational database integration. |
Tom Wickham-Jones Tom Wickham-Jones, Wolfram director of kernel technology, talks about The Wolfram System Compiler. |
Jon Woodard Jon Woodard, Wolfram partnerships analyst, talks about Wolfram Blockchain Labs. |