78 videos match your search.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Russian audio. |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Chinese audio. |
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ... |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Portuguese audio. |
John Erickson John Erickson, an assistant professor of mathematics and computer sciences at Chicago State University, shares an example of how Wolfram|Alpha allows him to show real-world applications of the math ... |
Students at Chicago State University describe how Wolfram|Alpha helps them with their courses. |
Wayne Watson In this video, Chicago State University President Wayne Watson shares his thoughts on Wolfram|Alpha's potential in education. |
Dana Vazzana This video features Dana Vazzana, an associate professor of mathematics at Truman State University, who explains why integrating Mathematica into her university-level math classes helps students gain deeper understanding of ... |
Dana Vazzana This video features Dana Vazzana, an associate professor of mathematics at Truman State University, who explains why integrating Mathematica into her university-level math classes helps students gain deeper understanding of ... |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica has the world's most sophisticated and convenient mathematical typesetting technology. This includes TraditionalForm, which transforms a large group of expressions into their conventionally used mathematical notation. Learn more about ... |
Zhilan Feng Zhilan Feng, a CDC collaborating researcher, uses Mathematica's computational power to develop and analyze a model of the dynamics and control of H1N1 via medications. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica has a collection of Assistant palettes that provide immediate point-and-click access to an extensive range of Mathematica capabilities. This screencast demonstrates how the palettes serve as convenient entry points ... |
Cliff Hastings This screencast gives an overview of new features in Mathematica 7 that make it easy to use and engaging in a dynamic classroom. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica offers an interactive classroom experience that helps students explore and grasp concepts. Topics covered in this screencast include getting started, interactivity, and cross-discipline uses. |
Yu-Feng Lin Using interactive manipulations created with Mathematica, the Illinois State Water Survey studies groundwater recharge and discharge, as deemed critical by the National Research Council. Hydrogeologist Yu-Feng Lin explains the advantages ... |
Cliff Hastings This screencast gives an overview of how to combine Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a super tool for teaching, research, and student exploration. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast gives a basic overview of Mathematica 7 for education. |
Cliff Hastings This screencast is part 2 of the popular "Hands-on Start to Mathematica 7" series. Topics covered include stylesheets, slide shows, variable assignment, and graphics. |
Chris Lee The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. Includes Spanish audio. |
Chris Lee The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. |