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217 videos match your search.
侯风波 (河北石油职业技术大学数学系教授)
高等教育出版社出版的《高等数学(第五版)》的主编将与大家分享多年来用 Mathematica 进行高等数学辅助教学的经验,并介绍如何利用 Mathematica 绘制函数图形、求方程的解、求极限、导数与微分、求积分、级数运算等"有用的"细节问题。
周通 (武汉大学机械工程在读博士)
折纸是一项古老的东方艺术,现代折纸工程学在航空航天、医疗器械等尖端领域有着广泛应用前景。但是由于运动学仿真工具的缺失,具备多自由度的折纸机构的运动学分析仍具备一定难度。Wolfram 语言提供了一种搭建基于机构构型空间搜索的多自由度机构运动学模型计算框架,在这个框架中集成了 Wolfram 语言的内置数学函数、优化求解器等标准数学工具;同时,Wolfram 语言便捷的可视化函数也能直观地展示折纸机构在构型空间中运动路径的迭代搜索过程。本次报告将以 Miura 折纸机构为例,详细说明如何搭建折纸机构运动学仿真框架。
ウルフラム リサーチ アジア リミティッドのリージョナル オフィス マネージャー,中村英史がWolframバーチャルコンファレンスJapan 2015にご参加の皆様への開会のご挨拶を申し上げ,本日のプログラムについてかいつまんでご紹介いたします.
ウルフラム リサーチ アジア リミティッドのリージョナル オフィス マネージャー,中村英史がWolframバーチャルコンファレンスJapan 2015にご参加の皆様への開会のご挨拶を申し上げ,本日のプログラムについてかいつまんでご紹介いたします.
Philip Zecher
In this video, Philip Zecher, the chief risk officer at EQA Partners, LP, describes how the global hedge fund company used Mathematica to build a comprehensive system to quickly analyze ...
Bernard Gress
Fannie Mae financial economist Bernard Gress shares the advantages of forecasting stability of mortgages and developing new prediction models in Mathematica. Includes Spanish audio.
Bruce Torrence
Using Mathematica's Manipulate command to create instant dynamic interfaces dramatically helps students understand mathematics. Bruce Torrence, chair of the department of mathematics at Randolph-Macon College, explains in this video. Includes ...
This video gives a quick introduction to Wolfram's Computable Document Format (CDF) by highlighting how computation brings documents to life. In Japanese.
Markus van Almsick
In this video, Markus van Almsick explains why he chose Mathematica for a project to design safe children's playground equipment. Includes Japanese audio.
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Abby Brown
Mathematica gives students the power to manipulate interactive graphics and develop complex data models. High-school teacher Abby Brown shares the success she experiences by using Mathematica in her classroom. Includes ...
Prof. Mr. Tsuchiya
Dana Vazzana
This video features Dana Vazzana, an associate professor of mathematics at Truman State University, who explains why integrating Mathematica into her university-level math classes helps students gain deeper understanding of ...
The Mathematica help system works with a highly structured set of documents. Each document falls into one of a number of categories, the most important of which are guide pages, ...
Алексей Викторович Порубов
Thomas Roux and Rémy Fellous
Thomas Roux and his associate Rémy Fellous describe how Mathematica plays an instrumental role in banking, in the assessment of financial risks linked to market activities. In French with ...