217 videos match your search.
El Dr. Tomás Garza, exdirector y cofundador del Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS) en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), ... |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Chinese audio. |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Portuguese audio. |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Russian audio. |
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Spanish audio. |
Oswaldo Navarrete Carreño En esta presentación explicamos cómo integrar el uso de Mathematica en la clase de estadística. Los temas cubiertos incluyen estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Aprenderá cómo ... |
長尾 秀行 国立スポーツ科学センターの長尾秀行氏は,スポーツ科学分野におけるバイオメカニクス的分析にMathematicaを活用している.この講演では,ウエイトリフティング競技における身体運動の3次元動作解析,バーベルの軌跡のオートトラッキング,さらに最新の機械学習を用いた分析範囲の同定などを紹介する.
2019 Innovator Award 수상자인 이주행 박사는 책임 연구원으로 일하면서 틈틈히 Mathematica를 사용하여 예술 작품 만들기를 즐깁니다. |
This presentation gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more. |
This course gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more. Includes German audio. |
Seth Chandler Seth Chandler of the University of Houston Law Center analyzes catastrophe models and other data in Mathematica to show how the insurance market can better handle paying for hurricane damages. ... |
Zhilan Feng Zhilan Feng, a CDC collaborating researcher, uses Mathematica's computational power to develop and analyze a model of the dynamics and control of H1N1 via medications. Includes Spanish audio. |
George Woodrow This video features George Woodrow, a research specialist at Quest Diagnostics, who shares how he uses Mathematica for developing process-control algorithms in a clinical laboratory, exploring their performance, and communicating ... |
Mathematica integrates important high-performance computing (HPC) technologies in a single seamless system, so you don't have to choose between speed and accuracy. This screencast gives an overview of how to ... |
Микаел Эгибян |
Галина Михалкина |
Chris Lee The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. Includes Spanish audio. |
Esta charla introduce funcionalidades esenciales del Wolfram Language para realizar estudios prácticos en el ámbito de las smart cities utilizando los datos abiertos. Veremos cómo importar datos desde ... |
Галина Михалкина |
Bruce Colletti This video features Bruce Colletti, who explains how he used Mathematica to develop a geo-positioning application for precision defense targeting. Includes Japanese audio. |