217 videos match your search.
Kenzo Nakamura Kenzo Nakamura describes how Mathematica inspired him to create mathematics-related art. In Japanese. |
Francois Roth Francois Roth describes how he uses Mathematica for data processing, management control, actuary pricing, finance, and results and balances in his role as director of an insurance company. In French ... |
Christopher Jordan Christopher Jordan realizará una breve introducción al seminario, su funcionamiento y los temas que se discutirán durante el mismo. También introducirá algunos conceptos y temas sobre hacia ... |
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7. Includes Portuguese audio. |
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7. Includes Spanish audio. |
Chris Carlson Dans cette présentation, Chris Carlson, développeur sénior d'interface utilisateur, passe en revue de nombreuses nouveautés de Mathematica 10, sa connectivité au Wolfram Cloud, sa facilité d'utilisation et ... |
Mathematica Onlineは世界究極の計算システムを最新のクラウド環境にもたらします.インストールや設定の必要なく,Webブラウザで直接 Mathematica のインタラクティブノートブックのパワーを利用する方法や,クラウドでドキュメントやリソースをシームレスに共有する方法をご紹介します.デスクトップの Mathematica と Mathematica Onlineの統合,および両方にアクセスする場合の価格やライセンスオプションについてもお話します. |
Stephen Wolfram Stephen Wolfram introduces the Wolfram Language in this video, showing how the symbolic programming language enables powerful functional programming, querying of large databases, flexible interactivity, easy deployment, and much, much ... |
Noriko Yasui, Wolfram Research |
¿Cómo dar continuidad a las experiencias de aprendizaje en los laboratorios de ingenierías y ciencias básicas en el contexto de la educación a distancia? Presentaremos ejemplos de laboratorios con contenidos interactivos y se introducirán herramientas para la elaboración de laboratorios propios en universidades y centros ... |
Mike Ulrey Mathematica's graphical and visualization capabilities play a crucial role in developing models to analyze and test the safety of new flight operations. Mike Ulrey, a member of the advanced air ... |
Etienne Bernard Etienne Bernard chercheur passer vous en fait découvrir les nouvelle fonctionnalités en machine learning de Mathematica 10, incluant les fonctions Classify et Predict. |
Koji Maruyama |
岡崎 耕太郎 Wolfram CommunityのFeatured Contributor でもある富士通株式会社の岡崎氏は,Machine learningへのMathematicaの活用について,deep learningによる音楽生成,クローリング・スクレイピングによるデータ収集,紙面上のグラフのデータ化等,Wolfram Communityの活用実践例を紹介する. |
The Computable Document Format (CDF) bring documents to life with the power of computation. See how easy it is to create interactive documents with CDF in this screencast. Includes Spanish ... |
Creating interactive models in Mathematica allows students to explore hard-to-understand concepts, test theories, and quickly gain a deeper understanding of the materials being taught firsthand. This screencast shows you how ... |
En esta presentación se introducirán y repasarán algunos conceptos claves para la introducción, tratamiento, manipulación y exportación de datos en Mathematica, así como algunas ... |
陆玉柱博士 (Wolfram 资深界面开发) 本次演讲主要概览简介 Mathematica 图形图像语言及相关主要功能,包括:2D/3D 图元、指令、选项,以及软件内置的交换编辑功能,比如:绘图面板、Image/Image3D 工具条、上下文菜单等。本次演讲还将介绍一些 Mathematica 最新支持的图形图像功能,比如:自定义坐标轴(AxisObject)、基于物理模型的光照渲染(MaterialShading)、实心模型渲染(CSGRegion)、二维投影渲染(DropShadowing)及客户自定义图形显示等。 |
Get an overview of Mathematica 8's new features, including free-form input, advanced statistics capabilities, state-of-the-art image processing, and more. Includes Japanese audio. |
This screencast helps you get started using Mathematica by introducing some of the most basic concepts, including entering input, understanding the anatomy of functions, working with data and matrix operations, ... |