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Channels: Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011

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48 videos match your search.
Tom Button
In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Tom Button, Student Support Leader for the Further Mathematics Support Programme at Mathematics in Education and Industry, talks about introducing computer-based ...
Douglas Stein
In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Douglas Stein, Vice President of Product Development and Innovation at Educational Records Bureau, discusses how assessment can change with the move ...
Douglas Butler
Douglas Butler, director of the iCT Training Centre in the UK and lead author of the math software Autograph, shares his views on how to bring mathematics topics into the ...
Adrian Oldknow
Adrian Oldknow, Emeritus Professor of mathematics and computing education at the University of Chichester, shares his views on the STEM skills crisis in the UK and how to implement the ...
Alison Clark-Wilson
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Alison Clark-Wilson presents the recommendations of a working group established by the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK to consider the ...
James Tanton
James Tanton, Director of St. Mark's Institute of Mathematics, examines how to implement the change to computer-based learning using the topic of quadratics in this presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ ...
Stephen Christie
Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Stephen Christie, Managing Partner at Neural Insights, shares his experience ...
Kevin James
Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Kevin James, Research Fellow at the London School of Economics, ...
Toshiaki Kurokawa
Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Toshiaki Kurokawa, SCSK Fellow at SCSK Corporation, shares his experience ...
Kyle McCormick
Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Kyle McCormick, an attorney and independent lecturer in mathematics, shares his experience of the growing need for math and STEM in ...
Mark Dawe
Mark Dawe, Group Director of Assessment Research and Development at Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR), shares his perspective on the state of mathematics education and the need to make ...
Marcus du Sautoy
Marcus du Sautoy presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Paul Wilmott
Paul Wilmott presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Tim Oates
Tim Oates presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Charles Fadel
Charles Fadel presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Stephen Byrne
Stephen Byrne, Director and Founder of the Heritage World Press, discusses his views on how touchscreen technology will change the future of mathematics education at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Michael Borcherds
Michael Borcherds, Lead Developer at the International GeoGebra Institute, demonstrates the organization's mathematics education software at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Gary Bitter
At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Gary Bitter, a Professor at the International Society for Technology in Education and Arizona State University, discusses what to look for in math-related apps and how they can enhance the teaching ...
Mark Braley
Mark Braley, an Education Training Consultant at Texas Instruments UK, shares his thoughts on how to develop mathematical understanding with the use of technology during The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Jon McLoone
At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Jon McLoone, a member of the Technical Communication and Strategy Group at Wolfram Research, shares some ways to use Mathematica technologies in the classroom.