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Channels: Wolfram Experts Live

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82 videos match your search.
Yu-Sung Chang, Vitaliy Kaurov, Chris Carlson, Zach Parcell
This video introduces the Mathematica experts who judged the user-submitted entries for the Mathematica Experts Live: One-Liner Competition 2012.
Cliff Hastings
Wolfram's Director of Sales and Strategic Initiatives Cliff Hastings reviews the benefits of Premier Service Plus available with Mathematica 10, including access to Mathematica Online.
Faisal Whelpley
Faisal Whelpley answers a user-submitted question about how to extract data from curves drawn in Mathematica during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Faisal Whelpley
Faisal Whelpley demonstrates how to add dynamic and control elements, including a mouseover event, to a plot during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Yu-Sung Chang
Yu-Sung Chang walks through some advanced 3D graphics examples and shares where users can learn more during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Shadi Ashnai, Yu-Sung Chang, Brett Champion, Zach Parcell
A panel of Mathematica experts share a number of examples showcasing new capabilities of Mathematica 9 for data manipulation and visualization, including image and signal processing, interactive gauges, legends for plots and charts, ...
Shadi Ashnai
Shadi Ashnai answers user-submitted questions related to new image processing capabilities of Mathematica in this video from Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9.
Yu-Sung Chang
In this video from Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9, Yu-Sung Chang shows how to convert a stereo image to a 3D image in Mathematica.
Brett Champion
Brett Champion responds to user-submitted questions about Mathematica's new features for legends as part of Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9.
Leonid Shifrin
Leonid Shifrin provides feedback on users' questions related to Mathematica's built-in integration with R code in this video from Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9.
Andrew de Laix
Wolfram Programming Cloud makes it possible to deploy static content, interactive content, forms, and APIs. In this video, we’ll introduce you to several deployment options and explain how you ...
Shadi Ashani
Shadi Ashnai, image processing manager, announces the image processing enhancements and new features in Mathematica 10.
Bjorn Zimmermann
In this presentation, Bjorn Zimmermann, Wolfram|Alpha scientific content manager, shows maps and the geographic data and entities available in the Wolfram Language and Mathematica 10.
Roger Germundsson
In this presentation, Roger Germundsson, director of research and development, gives a whirlwind tour of geometric computation in Mathematica 10, covering types of regions, their computable properties, and the integration with ...
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh, manager of discrete computation, discusses the support of multigraphs and mixed graphs, 3D graphics visualization, new graph and network capabilities, and enhanced performance in Mathematica 10.
Chris Carlson
Chris Carlson shows how to detect devices like accelerometers or cameras on your computer and use them in interactive applications in this video from Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&...
Yu-Sung Chang
Yu-Sung Chang offers helpful tips for animating heat equations and creating scientific visualizations during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Yu-Sung Chang
Yu-Sung Chang shows examples of how to use Mathematica's financial visualization functions to create interactive interfaces during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Yu-Sung Chang
Yu-Sung Chang answers a user-submitted question about how to add a constraint to Dynamic during Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012.
Shadi Ashnai
Shadi Ashnai uses a series of examples to demonstrate the new image and signal processing features in Mathematica in this presentation from Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9.