119 videos match your search.
Minhsuan Peng In this talk, we will look into our newly tuned-up VectorPlot and StreamPlot as well as their list version families and other derivatives, including the volume plot SliceVectorPlot3D. These ... |
Shadi Ashnai In Version 12.2, we have expanded our video capabilities by adding functions to capture or generate video, apply basic editing and filtering and perform arbitrary analysis. In this talk, Shadi Ashnai ... |
Laney Moy, Rachna Gupta, Alex Alexandrovskiy This team of Wolfram Emerging Leaders from the 2019 Wolfram Summer Camp presents the results of their project: a tool that summarizes and presents a complex piece of natural language in ... |
Michael Weimerskirch The University of Minnesota has deployed the Minnesota Online Learning System (MOLS) using webMathematica to deliver online assessments to students. The Mathematica evaluation engine used to determine the correctness of a student's response is the best in the business. Grades are securely reported to instructors and students within the MOLS environment. Details about Wolfram server deployment options can be found at this link |
Christian Pasquel The Wolfram Language blockchain functionalities are constantly improving and expanding. In this talk, Christian Pasquel gives an overview of the latest features, use cases in data processing and analysis, and new supported blockchains. Additionally, he presents a ... |
Devendra Kapadia This talk features Devendra Kapadia, who summarizes recent developments related to calculus and algebra in the Wolfram Language. |
Dariia Porechna In the modern world, cryptography is omnipresent. In this talk, Dariia Porechna will introduce recent and future developments to Wolfram Language cryptography functionality in the areas of digital signing and ... |
Charles Pooh In this talk, Charles Pooh talks about the latest geometric functionality in the Wolfram Language, including updates to mesh regions, new geometric computation functions, and future plans. |
Jaebum Jung The Wolfram Language provides easy access to powerful graph functionalities. In this talk, Jaebum Jung gives you a chance to familiarize yourself with the features in Version 12 and get a ... |
Jan Brugard In this talk, Jan Brugard reviews key features from the latest releases of Wolfram System Modeler (12.1 and 12.2), as well as model libraries, including several virtual labs, that we have released ... |
Jan Poeschko Learn about the latest updates and features in the Wolfram Cloud, from interactive notebook development to deployment and publishing, in this talk from Jan Poeschko. |
Alison Ord In this talk, Alison Ord discusses whether applying Rule 30 might be a better method for predicting the presence of mineral deposits before drilling than current methods. |
Andrew de Laix Wolfram Application Server (WAS) is a new clustered solution for providing scalable, highly available access to Wolfram Language APIs, forms and other active web elements. It provides a rapid deployment environment for Wolfram Language applications that can grow to meet the full needs of a production ... |
Jon Woodard This talk with cover an introduction to the Wolfram Eureka! Program and a Q&A with a founder, Philip Maymin. While Philip uses Wolfram technologies as a part of their ... |
Jonathan Gorard |
Max Piskunov |
Stephen Wolfram Stephen Wolfram gives his opening Keynote Address for the Wolfram Technology Conference. |
Cliff Hasting, Kelvin Mischo Mathematica Online provides a browser-based environment to access notebooks with no installation or plugin, allowing the user to access it from any internet-enabled device. We illustrate the basics of creating a notebook with calculations in Mathematica Online, as well as how to share notebooks and finished projects between Desktop and Online in ... |
Ian Hojnicki This talk features Ian Hojnicki giving a brief overview of resolution independence and our support for it in Wolfram Language 12.1's user interface. Also discussed are some common issues that ... |