110 videos match your search.
Gerald Thomas This talk explores issues in A Field Theory of Games, using Wolfram Language to apply the theory, discusses the idea that games can be cohesive, and illustrates the concepts of ... |
Jan Brugard, Sergio Vargas In this presentation, you will see how data provides new avenues and connections to physical modeling with the new support for neural networks in system modeling. Applications and examples will ... |
August Young (Frechette) In the field of groundwater hydrology, the concept of effective porosity is well known. Wolfram Language’s suite of built-in tools allows for straightforward postprocessing of the resolved flow field ... |
Todd Gayley This talk will demonstrate how to install and use paclets from the new Wolfram Language Paclet Repository. Paclets are the ideal way to package and distribute significant pieces of Wolfram Language functionality. The Wolfram Language Paclet Repository is a growing collection of useful add-ons contributed by users and developers like you. Let’s learn the basics of paclets and how to use ones from the Wolfram ... |
Bob Sandheinrich The Wolfram Language Paclet Repository is here! This talk shows how to use the paclet definition notebook to help develop a paclet and prepare it for publication or distribution. |
Oleg Marichev The fractional order integro-differentiation operator FractionalD is a particular case of some more general integral transforms. Using MellinTransform, one can construct two main classes of integral transforms: convolution type and ... |
Richard Hennigan |
Brian Van Vertloo |
Charles Pooh |
Jaebum Jung |
Christopher Cole |
Alec Shedelbower |
Jason Abernathy The cell tray widget interface allows developers to produce high-quality cell-level user interface tools that are managed by the front end. Widgets are organized into "trays" placed near the cell ... |
Alan White Differential equations are solved to the task of graphing the change in concentration of the prostate-specific antigen in prostate cancer patients. Note: Most equations are original to the writings of ... |
Noah Hardwicke Implemented in top-level Wolfram Language code, the new notebook toolbar used existing features of the desktop front end to produce an interface with unique structure and function. In this talk ... |
Mark Kotanchek In this presentation, we introduce ParetoGP, a tool that simplifies multiomics data analysis using evolutionary search to find simple algebraic models with few inputs. We demonstrate its capabilities using real-world ... |
Linus Anaka The Cambodia Ministry of Education invited students in grades 4–12 to participate in Cambodia Wolfram Student Stars! In addition to Wolfram computational thinking activities, we supported student STEM projects with System ... |
Yuzhu Lu This talk will present some new features and updates of Mathematica's 2D and 3D Graphics language, including DropShadowing, Blur, improved support of AbsoluteOptions, 3D Camera dolly and look-around interaction, and ... |
Rodrigo Obando Focusing on traditional origami but approaching it with mathematical formalism rather than artistic values, we realize origami in a virtual space by using Mathematica's leading-edge symbolic, numeric and graphics computation ... |
Tetsuo Ida Focusing on traditional origami but approaching it with mathematical formalism rather than artistic values, we realize origami in a virtual space by using Mathematica's leading-edge symbolic, numeric and graphics computation ... |