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Channels: Wolfram Technology Conference 2022

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110 videos match your search.
Jose Martin-Garcia
Carlo Barbieri
Wolfram Web Engine is a new solution for serving your Wolfram-Language-based web applications. It is lean and mean and you can configure it any way you want. It supports modern ...
Rodrigo Obando
We introduce a unified model of cellular automata that represents rules by vectors of functions termed genes. We also discuss symmetric indices based on gene symmetry in each rule. We ...
Tigran Ishkhanyan
Fractional calculus develops the theory of differentiation of any real or complex order and studies the methods of solving differential equations involving these fractional-order derivatives. It is able to generalize ...
Mike Yeh
I will give a quick review of the ideas of graph neural networks (GNN), then overview the potential types of GNN and show more details of algorithms that can be ...
Roman Maeder
Iterators are a generalization of lists that are accessed one element at a time. Iterators allow us to work with data whose length is infinite or unknown, and they avoid the explicit generation of all elements at the same time, by using incremental generators. First presented a year ago, this project has now matured, and I would like to share some of the improvements made, focusing on programming techniques for paclet design, seamless integration of iterators into ...
Michael L Ulrey
It is often said that Bell's theorem demonstrates the impossibility of "local realism" as a basis for explaining quantum mechanics. In this talk, we attempt to separate the hype from the actual mathematics. How do wild statements about the nonlocality of the universe enter the picture? The goal is to identify ...
Timothee Verdier
Jack Madden
As an astrophysicist turned artist, I will talk about my journey from studying science to creating art in Mathematica and how the current art world has embraced code as a ...
Suba Thomas, Sergio Vargas
This talk will showcase the recently added functionality to design model predictive controllers. The formulation of the problem as a multiparametric optimization problem, along with workflows and related functionality, will ...
Glen Halley
Understanding the behavior of alternative energy sources when integrated into electrical utility networks is challenging. In this talk, we present OpenIPSL, a library of electrical grid modeling components, built using ...
Robert Nachbar
The recent addition of PatternReaction and ApplyReaction to Wolfram Language allows the user to programmatically manipulate atoms and bonds in molecule objects in a chemically meaningful way. This talk shows ...
Oliver Ruebenkoenig
In this talk, we will cover the usage of the NDSolve family of functions and the finite element method. The aim is to enable attendees to set up partial differential ...
Matteo Salvarezza
In this talk I will present NetExternalObject, a new symbol in Wolfram Language 13.2. It exposes new functionality to interface with external deep learning frameworks and run neural networks in their ...
Brett Champion
Tom Sherlock
Wolfram Language can automate many aspects of astronomical observations, including the tedious process of capturing an image sequence through four color filters and calibration frames. All the alignment, stacking and ...
Anton Antonov
In this presentation, we discuss the completion of computational templates with parameters that are extracted from text specifications using a question answering system. We outline the general method and demonstrate ...
Carlo Giacometti, Rebecca Frederick
Jan Brugard, Sergio Vargas
In this presentation, you will see how data provides new avenues and connections to physical modeling with the new support for neural networks in system modeling. Applications and examples will ...
Keiko Hirayama, Lina Marcela Ruiz-Galvis, Carlos Munoz Amezcua
This talk explores the diverse range of computable knowledge about biology available in Wolfram language. This includes updates to standardized dinosaur datasets, the latest taxonomic data collections and access to ...