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Channels: Wolfram Technology Conference 2022

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110 videos match your search.
Jordan Hasler, Anne Marie-Torresen, Judy Zhang, Jack Heimrath, Jeremy Stratton-Smith, Carlos Alvarez
An introduction and review of the latest step-by-step programs for Wolfram|Alpha including a discussion of developing step-by-step functions from both algorithmic and rule-based approaches are shown, along with applications ...
Shadi Ashnai
In this talk I will show the state of the Video object in the Wolfram Language as well as all the computational power developed around it in order to create, ...
Aditya Pabbaraju, Nick Zitzmann
Wolfram|Alpha on mobile devices has changed this year. In this presentation, we will talk about everything that is new with Wolfram|Alpha for iOS and everything that is to ...
Paritosh Mokhasi

This talk will give an overview of the various optimization functions that can be used to solve a wide variety of convex, nonconvex and multidomain problems. The Wolfram optimization functionality will be demonstrated using a diverse set of examples. Visiting this talk ...
Mads Bahrami, Nikolay Murzin
Riccardo Di Virgilio
Come to a hands-on session with the developers of the ExternalEvaluate framework. Bring your questions, suggestions, ideas and problems while working with external languages. Don't have a specific question? Then ...
Todd Gayley,Bob Sandheinrich,Bradley Ashby,Connor Gray ,Richard Hennigan , Brian Van Vertloo
Jordan Hasler
Modern learning spaces combine computation, visualization and concept exploration. Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition facilitates all three, teaching Wolfram Language along the way. This talk demonstrates the breadth and depth of ...
Giulio Alessandrini, Jesse Galef
Carlo Barbieri
The objective of this workshop is getting you started with the main concepts of working with Relational Databases through the Entity framework in the Wolfram Language.