Channels: Wolfram Technology Conference 2022
110 videos match your search.
Jordan Hasler, Anne Marie-Torresen, Judy Zhang, Jack Heimrath, Jeremy Stratton-Smith, Carlos Alvarez An introduction and review of the latest step-by-step programs for Wolfram|Alpha including a discussion of developing step-by-step functions from both algorithmic and rule-based approaches are shown, along with applications ... |
Shadi Ashnai In this talk I will show the state of the Video object in the Wolfram Language as well as all the computational power developed around it in order to create, ... |
Aditya Pabbaraju, Nick Zitzmann Wolfram|Alpha on mobile devices has changed this year. In this presentation, we will talk about everything that is new with Wolfram|Alpha for iOS and everything that is to ... |
Paritosh Mokhasi
This talk will give an overview of the various optimization functions that can be used to solve a wide variety of convex, nonconvex and multidomain problems. The Wolfram optimization functionality will be demonstrated using a diverse set of examples. Visiting this talk ... |
Mads Bahrami, Nikolay Murzin |
Riccardo Di Virgilio Come to a hands-on session with the developers of the ExternalEvaluate framework. Bring your questions, suggestions, ideas and problems while working with external languages. Don't have a specific question? Then ... |
Todd Gayley,Bob Sandheinrich,Bradley Ashby,Connor Gray ,Richard Hennigan , Brian Van Vertloo |
Jordan Hasler Modern learning spaces combine computation, visualization and concept exploration. Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition facilitates all three, teaching Wolfram Language along the way. This talk demonstrates the breadth and depth of ... |
Giulio Alessandrini, Jesse Galef |
Carlo Barbieri The objective of this workshop is getting you started with the main concepts of working with Relational Databases through the Entity framework in the Wolfram Language. |