85 videos match your search.
Alec Titterton First time with CBM or the Wolfram Cloud? This eight-minute video will help you get started and use the resources appropriately. |
by Conrad Wolfram A groundbreaking book that exposes why maths education is failing worldwide and presents the fix as a fundamentally new mainstream subject.
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This workshop is aimed at educators interested in learning more about how computer-based maths (CBM) can be introduced into their classrooms. Starting with an overview of the CBM approach to the curriculum, ... |
Conrad Wolfram Conrad Wolfram opens the 2012 Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit by sharing his thoughts on the growing need to deliver computer-based math education worldwide. |
Sue Black In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Sue Black presents her thoughts on the importance of math and computer science in society and explains how she hopes her ... |
Tim Oates Tim Oates of Cambridge Assessment shares his views on the changing needs for math in society and the importance of transforming how children view the subject in this video from ... |
Maggie Philbin In this Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit presentation, Maggie Philbin describes how TeenTech, a program she founded to give teenagers a look at the wide range of science and technology careers, ... |
Mike Ellicock Mike Ellicock shares the vision of National Numeracy, a charity focused on increasing the level of mathematical thinking and understanding across the population of the United Kingdom, in this presentation ... |
Caroline Waters OBE Caroline Waters OBE presents a business's perspective of the changing skill set requirements for potential employees, including the need for strong STEM skills and understanding, in this video from The ... |
David Stern In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Stern takes a look at how different educational initiatives around the world are adapting to produce students with the STEM ... |
Jo Evershed Jo Evershed gives her views on the growing need for STEM understanding and communication by sharing how IndexMatch, a financial modeling education program, is bridging the gap between formal mathematical ... |
Martin Hadley Martin Hadley demonstrates how Wolfram's state-of-the-art technologies can be used to advance Computer-Based Math™ education in this presentation from The Computer-Based Math Education Summit. |
Luc Barthelet Luc Barthelet shares tips from his experience in creating video games as part of The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit. |
Nick Hodges Nick Hodges, co-founder of Cauldron, gives insights on how the company is creating games and simulation environments to support STEM education in this presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit. |
David Vaccaro In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Vaccaro shares his experiences in creating computer-based math lesson plans. The presentation includes success stories from two of his students, ... |