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701 videos match your search.
El Dr. Tomás Garza, exdirector y cofundador del Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS) en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), ...
Dillon Tracy
Mathematica is an efficient tool for analyzing and presenting data. This Wolfram Virtual Conference Spring 2013 talk covers aspects of Mathematica relevant to analytics, including statistical computation, interactive visualization, data import and export, automatic report generation, ...
Kelvin Mischo
This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 course gives educators an overall picture of how Mathematica can benefit an engineering curriculum with examples of modeling, simulation, visualization, and document creation.
Kelvin Mischo
Improve the teaching and learning experience with Mathematica. This Wolfram Virtual Conference Spring 2013 talk gives an overview of how to make your classroom dynamic with interactive models and shows a ...
Cliff Hastings
This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012 course explores functionality relevant to education. Topics include a survey of interactive models and computation and visualization capabilities useful for teaching.
Markus van Almsick
Markus van Almsick answers questions on a range of Mathematica related topics during Mathematica Virtueller Workshop.
Jon McLoone
This presentation gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more. Download Notebook: https://wolfr.am/P985PU35
Jon McLoone
This presentation gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more.
This presentation gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more.
This course gives a whirlwind tour of Mathematica's key features as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation, and more. Includes German audio.
A brief overview of what you can do with Mathematica and the Wolfram Language; how elements in expressions can be recognized and modified through pattern matching.
The first part of Mathematica: An Introduction will give you some background information of Wolfram Technology and the basic functions of Mathematica.
In the second part of Mathematica: An Introduction, you'll learn about practical programming and visualisation skills by using Mathematica
Cette premiere partie se focalise sur les principes fondamentaux du langage Wolfram et la syntaxe élémentaire. Vous apprendrez comment évaluer le langage, faire des affectations et définir des ...
Cette deuxième partie de notre introduction à Mathematica est dédiée aux calculs mathématiques, à la visualisation et à l’interactivité. Elle couvrira les nombres et la precision; le calcul ...
Wolfram Language developers demonstrate the latest calculus functionality and algebraic computation and show our built-in support for easily visualizing complex-valued data and functions, stunning maps with new classes of geo ...
Jan Brugård
This example-driven screencast from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 shows how to develop models of complex systems using drag-and-drop with the Wolfram MathModelica software, and illustrates how to take the ...