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Economics Webinar for Educators

Access a wide range of socioeconomic and demographic data, currency computations, financial indicators and country data using natural language input. Create stunning visualizations and examine financial equations such as mortgage and annuity through rigorous algorithms.

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701 videos match your search.
Discover the expanded knowledge base of geographic data and how the new functions for geo computation and geo visualization can help you solve real-world problems.
Solve differential and integral equations, optimization problems, curvilinear expressions, and more, faster and more easily using the cutting-edge enhancements to symbolic and numeric computation.
See how easy it is to use the Wolfram Language to solve real-world statistics and probability problems with quantity data, enhanced time series support, and over 150 distributions, including random matrices.
Discover new ways to explore unstructured data with enhanced text and natural language parsing, including multilingual support.
Build and update web interfaces with simple declarative programming in the Wolfram Cloud.
Learn about accessing the content-rich Wolfram Knowledgebase, expanded to include new data for anatomy, food, and more real-world data.
Interact with Wolfram Language notebooks in new ways—from new styles and multilingual spellcheck to enhanced 3D images and simpler notebook processing.
From a new command line interpreter to new networking features to improved data processing and debugging tools, see how the Wolfram Language can interoperate with your computer and your websites.
Send messages between Wolfram Language sessions on different computers across the world and integrate with social media or any device capable of making HTTP requests.
Explore functions and their derivatives, integrals and limits using the Wolfram Language. This session shows practice problems with the Wolfram Problem Generator and lesson plans and tips on using Wolfram|...
Learn about using Wolfram|Alpha for your physics class computations to complement your existing curricula. Interesting blog posts and online resources are shared that help foster curiosity in areas such ...
Access a wide range of socioeconomic and demographic data, currency computations, financial indicators and country data using natural language input. Create stunning visualizations and examine financial equations such as mortgage ...