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The Structure of Paclets

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Channels: Wolfram Technology Conference 2022

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110 videos match your search.
Mark Fisher, Nicholas Georgakopoulos
We modify a 2002 IRT model applied to Supreme Court justices’ votes, adopting a nonconjugate prior for case parameters and allowing justices' locations on a simple left/right spectrum to vary ...
Mike Yeh
In the beginning, the text summary task and the basic properties of the BERT model will be reviewed. Then I will introduce the idea and the algorithm of the text summary paper that we are going to implement. Finally, I will show the steps of building the text ...
Shenghui Yang
Wolfram Language's built-in functions and Wolfram Function Repository resources have a unique charm that makes the exploration of the solutions very comprehensible. This talk uses published resources and examples to ...
Bob Sandheinrich
See how to create courseware using the question and assessment framework. This talk shows how each piece of the system works, from custom, automated assessment functions to full quizzes.
Matthew Adams
This talk gives an update on our efforts to bring the full power of Wolfram Language graphics to the Wolfram Cloud.
John Pacey
After a general introduction to the Wolfram Cloud, we'll talk about what's new in the world of cloud notebooks and beyond. We'll also give a brief update at the ongoing "...
Connor Gray
Tom Wickham-Jones
The Wolfram Compiler converts Wolfram Language code into native machine instructions that run directly on the machine hardware. It offers a powerful way to speed up programs and provides many ...
Maria Sargsyan ,Jofre Espigule-Pons
Todd Gayley
This talk will demonstrate how to install and use paclets from the new Wolfram Language Paclet Repository. Paclets are the ideal way to package and distribute significant pieces of Wolfram Language functionality. The Wolfram Language Paclet Repository is a growing collection of useful add-ons contributed by users and developers like you. Let’s learn the basics of paclets and how to use ones from the Wolfram ...
Jeremy Stratton-Smith, Jordan Hasler, Anne Marie-Torresen, Enrique Zeleny Vazquez, Nicholas Brunk
We discuss the 140+ resource functions that the Wolfram|Alpha Math Content team has published. These build upon and sometimes run in parallel to kernel functions, and often are aligned to ...
Leonid Shifrin
Dataset has become a widely used tool to process and manipulate data in the Wolfram Language, but its scope has been limited to the data stored in kernel's memory. In ...
Tetsuo Ida
Focusing on traditional origami but approaching it with mathematical formalism rather than artistic values, we realize origami in a virtual space by using Mathematica's leading-edge symbolic, numeric and graphics computation ...
Brett Champion
Ricardo Martinez-Lagunes
Integrated Water Resources Management requires the analysis of information from multiple sources. Data must be visualized for different audiences.
Jason Martinez, Daniele Ceravolo
Explore recent and upcoming improvements in Wolfram|Alpha, like unit choice for results, support for multiple equations, expanded step descriptions and equation derivations that explain the physical principles involved. Also ...
Devendra Kapadia
This talk is an overview of upcoming features related to calculus and algebra in Wolfram Language, including dramatic speedups in polynomial algebra, new NFractionalD and NCaputoD functions, algorithmic advances for ...
Camilo Castrillon-Toro and Jason Sonnenberg
Recent and upcoming features of Wolfram|Alpha, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition and the Wolfram Language related to chemical education are discussed. These features include expanded step-by-step solutions support, improved free-form ...
Riccardo Di Virgilio
The ExternalEvaluate framework lets you evaluate code from a number of external languages and environments such as Python, Ruby and Java directly in your Wolfram session. This talk will focus ...
Charles Pooh