New in Wolfram Mathematica 6: Dynamic Interactivity | ◄ previous | next ► |
Quickly Create Easy-to-Understand Interfaces
Mathematica 6 makes it easy to create and label controls to produce easy-to-understand interfaces.
In[1]:= | Manipulate[ With[{w = CellularAutomaton[{n, {2, 1}, {1, 1}}, {{{1}}, 0}, {{{t}}}]}, ArrayPlot[ArrayFlatten[Table[w, {nt}, {nt}]], ColorRules -> {0 -> Purple, 1 -> Red}, Frame -> False]], {{n, 2, "rule number"}, 2, 200, 4}, {{t, 20, "number of steps"}, 1, 90, 1}, {{nt, 4, "number of tiles"}, 1, 5, 1}, ControllerLinking -> True] |
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