Knowledgebase Expansion

Transform Anatomical Structures into Sculpture

With the availability of highresolution 3D models of human anatomical structures, the powerful graphics and regionprocessing functionality in Version 11 can be used to programmatically construct anatomy-based modern sculpture.

The art of Antony Gormley can serve as an inspiration (

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WikipediaData["Antony Gormley", "ImageList"] // Select[#, Length[Union[#]]/Length[#] &[ImageData[#][[1, 1]]] > 0.8 &] &

Load a faithful representation of the human body.

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human = AnatomyData[Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Skin"], "MeshRegion"]

Using the regions functionality, it is straightforward to build a large variety of sculptures.

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pts = MeshCoordinates[human]; nf = Nearest[pts]; color := Directive[GrayLevel[RandomReal[{0.5, 0.7}]], Specularity[RandomColor[], RandomInteger[{10, 20}]]]
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With[{dode = N[PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron"][[1]]]}, ballToDodecahedron[Ball[p_, r_]] := Translate[ Scale[Rotate[dode, RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 3], {0, 0, 0}], r], p]]
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GraphicsGrid[ Partition[#, 4] &@{Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], color, Table[BoundingRegion[ nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 1000}]], "MinCuboid"], {200}]}], Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], color, Table[BoundingRegion[ nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 1000}]], "FastOrientedCuboid"], {250}]}], Graphics3D[{color, EdgeForm[], Table[Show[ BoundingRegion[ RandomChoice[ nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 2000}]], RandomInteger[{4, 12}]], "MinConvexPolyhedron"]][[ 1]] /. _Directive :> {}, {600}]}], Graphics3D[{color, EdgeForm[], Table[ballToDodecahedron@ BoundingRegion[ RandomChoice[nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 600}]], RandomInteger[{4, 12}]], "FastBall"], {300}]}], Graphics3D[{color, Table[BoundingRegion[ RandomChoice[ nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 600}]], RandomInteger[{4, 12}]], "FastBall"], {500}]}], Graphics3D[{color, Table[ BoundingRegion[ RandomChoice[nf[RandomChoice[pts], RandomInteger[{100, 2000}]], RandomInteger[{4, 12}]], "FastEllipsoid"], {350}]}], Graphics3D[{color, EdgeForm[], Table[Cylinder[{#, nf[#, RandomInteger[{2000, 5000}]][[-1]]} &[ RandomChoice[pts]], RandomReal[{5, 25}]], {600}]}], Module[{pts2 = RandomSample[pts, 6000], nf2}, nf2 = Nearest[pts]; Graphics3D[{color, EdgeForm[], CapForm["Round"], Cylinder[{#, nf2[#, 100][[-1]]}, 6] & /@ RandomSample[pts2]}]]}, Spacings -> {-150, Automatic}, ImageSize -> Full ] // Rasterize[#, "Image", ImageSize -> {400, 400}] &

More classical-appearing art can be generated by applying a rotation and stretching transform to the legs and arms to make angellike sculptures.

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nonlinearTransform3D[expr_, g_] := Module[{gD, inv, newNormal, newVertices, newNormals}, gD[x_, y_, z_] = Compile[{x, y, z}, Evaluate[D[g[{x, y, z}], {{x, y, z}}]]]; inv[m_] := With[{im = Inverse[m]}, If[Head[im] === Inverse, m, PseudoInverse[m]]]; newNormal[{vertex_, normal_}] := Quiet[With[{m = inv[Transpose[gD[vertex]]]}, If[Sign[Det[m]] == -1, -1, 1] m.normal]]; expr /. {GraphicsComplex[vertices_, body_, a___, VertexNormals -> normals_, b___] :> (newVertices = g /@ vertices; newNormals = newNormal /@ Transpose[{vertices, normals}]; GraphicsComplex[newVertices, body, a, VertexNormals -> newNormals, b])}]
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doubleTwist[{x_, y_, z_}] := With[{h = 1000, w = 180, H = 1300, \[Xi] = 600, \[Kappa] = 150}, With[{\[CurlyPhi] = 6 Pi If[z > h || (z > \[Xi] && Sqrt[x^2] > w), 0, Cos[Pi/2 (h - z)/h]], \[CurlyTheta] = -1.6 Pi If[(z > \[Xi] && Sqrt[x^2] < w) || z < \[Xi], 0, Cos[Pi/2 (w - x)/w]], f = Piecewise[{{1, z > h}, {1 + (h - z)/h, z < h}}], g = If[(z > \[Xi] && Sqrt[x^2] < w) || z < \[Xi], 1, 1 + (Sqrt[x^2] - w)/\[Kappa]]}, {{g, 0, 0}, {0, Cos[\[CurlyTheta]], Sin[\[CurlyTheta]]}, {0, -Sin[\[CurlyTheta]], Cos[\[CurlyTheta]]}}.({{f Cos[\[CurlyPhi]], f Sin[\[CurlyPhi]], 0}, {-f Sin[\[CurlyPhi]], f Cos[\[CurlyPhi]], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}.{x, y, z} - {0, 0, H}) + {0, 0, H}]]
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smoothHuman = Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Skin"]["Graphics3D"];
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Show[nonlinearTransform3D[smoothHuman, doubleTwist], ViewPoint -> {-1, -2, 0}, Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]

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