Primarily a self-instructional companion to a first course in computer-assisted calculus. Can also serve as a quick introduction to Mathematica while reviewing basic calculus. Emphasizes the use of graphics capabilities to show how calculus works and to encourage active investigation. An electronic supplement, SelfTutor Calculus, is available. Our intention is that the student will use any designated course text as primary reference and this Self-Tutor supplement in two ways: 1. As an initial prop to gain confidence quickly in using the computer as a study aid for new concepts in mathematics by exploiting graphics effectively 2. Later as a source of ideas for exploring the theory and examples in their calculus courses and in all subsequent studies that use mathematics. Contents Beginning Mathematica | Beginning Calculus | The Derivative | Methods of Approximation | Properties of Differentiable Functions | Antiderivatives | The Definite Integral | Numerical Integration | Applications of the Integral | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions | Techniques of Integration | Calculus Projects | Mathematica Functions Introduced Related Topics Calculus and Analysis |