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A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica, Second Edition
A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica, Second Edition
by Patrick T. Tam
  • Publisher: Academic Press
  • Year: 2008
  • ISBN: 9780126831924 (Paperback)
  • 728 pp
  • Book Includes: CD-ROM
  • Based on: Version 6
This updated reference guide provides engineering and scientific professionals with step-by-step instructions for the most commonly used features of Mathematica as they apply to research in physics, without requiring prior knowledge of either Mathematica or computer programming.

As a primary or supplemental text for teaching physics and other courses with Mathematica 6 or later, this book provides complete coverage, new applications, examples, and over 450 end-of-section exercises that enable the reader to solve a wide range of physics problems. Contents
The First Encounter | Interactive Use of Mathematica | Programming in Mathematica | Mechanics | Electricity and Magnetism | Quantum Physics | Appendices Related Topics
Physics, Tutorial and Reference
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