Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

WOLFRAM バーチャルコンファレンス JAPAN 2020,2020年12月1日–2日

WOLFRAM バーチャルコンファレンス JAPAN 2020,2020年12月1日-2日



Wolfram 言語 V12.2 新機能 Overview
Stochastic Network Models for Epidemiology—Application to COVID-19 Pandemic
Wolfram Research, Project Director
Robert Nachbar
Many SEIR-type epidemiology models for COVID-19 have been submitted to preprint servers since the beginning of the year, and some have been published. Nearly all these models have been based on deterministic differential equation models, which assume large, rapidly and well-mixed populations. These assumptions rarely hold for real biological populations, and other methods may be more appropriate. One frequent feature of these "published" models and observed in our own models is the need to use artificially small total population sizes to fit the reported number of cases and deaths in a given country or region. Network-based models offer an alternative to the well-mixed assumption, and stochastic methods provide an alternative to the rapid-mixing assumption. Preliminary results combining our previously developed stochastic simulation method using the Gillespie algorithm with a network architecture of subpopulations have been encouraging. In this talk, we will describe our ongoing efforts to fully explore the effects of network topology and various mixing scenarios on the dynamics of disease spread throughout the entire population. Comparison of the modeled outcomes with some well-characterized COVID-19 data from Europe and China will show whether or not this approach is successful, or whether other modeling strategies are needed.
社会医療法人川島会川島病院学術企画室室長 / 一般社団法人クラインシュタイン医工学パースペクティブ代表理事
人工透析領域の日常診療や臨床研究においてMathematicaはkinetic modelingや複雑な数式計算や複合データの臨床分類などに利用されてきた.さらに近年,機械学習による治療効率予測への応用も始まっている.本発表では,これらの解析をMathematicaならではの視覚化機能を生かしながら紹介したい.
Molecule Fingerprints and Visualization
Wolfram Research, Chemistry Content Lead Developer
Jason Biggs
Molecule fingerprints are a method of representing a molecule as a sequence of bits, either on or off, that still encodes important information about the molecular structure. These fingerprints can be used for a "molecular distance function" for substructure screening or as inputs to machine learning functions. This talk will introduce the concept of molecule fingerprints and show the different fingerprint types coming in Version 12.2 of the Wolfram Language, and showcase many enhancements to MoleculePlot.


対面授業とオンライン授業を織り交ぜたハイブリッドな教育スタイルへと変化する中で,Wolfram|Alpha Pro,Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition,Wolfram Programming Lab,そしてMathematica | Online等,Wolframのクラウドサービスが,ニューノーマル時代の教育・学習ツールとしてどのように役に立つのかを事例を交えて紹介します.
Quick, Fun, Hack Side Projects with the Wolfram Language and Cloud
Wolfram Research, Development Manager
Bob Sandheinrich
A quick tour of a few fun side projects I have made including Pi Slices Daily, a COVID dashboard and a baseball-player network story creator. I will show you how I combine the cloud, the Wolfram Function Repository, notebooks and Mathematica to turn ideas into real live things (even if they are hacky).
dSPACE Japan 株式会社 ソリューション技術部,テクニカルフェロー
Spatial Statistics Data
Wolfram Research, Kernel Developer
Gosia Konwerska
Spatial point data, also known as spatial point patterns, refers to collections of points (or events) in space. Examples include trees in a forest, gold deposits, positions of stars, earthquakes, crime locations, animal sightings, etc. Spatial data analysis, as a statistical exploration of point patterns, aims to answer questions about spatial randomness, point intensity and interpoint interactions. In this talk, we will explore the existing and upcoming Wolfram Language functionality designed for the analysis and modeling of spatial point data.
Wolfram Application Server
Wolfram Research, Director, Distributed Systems Engineering
Andrew de Laix
Wolfram Application Server (WAS) is a new clustered solution for providing scalable, highly available access to Wolfram Language APIs, forms and other active web elements. It provides a rapid deployment environment for Wolfram Language applications that can grow to meet the full needs of a production environment. In this talk, we will discuss the overall architecture and capabilities of WAS and demonstrate how developers can deploy content to the server making it accessible to end users.