Wolfram Language

Volume Visualization

Clip Planes

Clip the volume to reveal the behavior of the function in the interior.

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func = Simplify[ Sum[Cos[5 Norm[{x, y, z} - {Sin[\[Theta]], Cos[\[Theta]], 0}]], {\[Theta], 0., 2 \[Pi] - (2 \[Pi])/3, (2 \[Pi])/ 3}], (x | y | z) \[Element] Reals];
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opts = {ColorFunction -> (ColorData["Rainbow", Rescale[#, {-2.5, 2.5}]] &), ColorFunctionScaling -> False, SphericalRegion -> True, ClippingStyle -> Automatic};
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DensityPlot3D[func, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2}, Evaluate@opts, ClipPlanes -> InfinitePlane[{{0, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, 0}, {-1, 0, -1}}], OpacityFunction -> None, Axes -> True, Boxed -> True, ViewPoint -> {1.3, -1.5, 2.}]
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