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Wolfram Mathematica Comparative Analyses

Graphing Calculators

Graphing Calculators
(TI, HP, Casio, ...)
Although now rare in college and professional settings, graphing calculators are still common in high-school math education. But as full-scale computers become cheaper, smaller and ever more ubiquitous, the future of standalone calculators is increasingly unclear.
As the world's broadest and deepest mathematical system, Mathematica's computational capabilities vastly exceed anything that can be achieved with a calculator—and provide a completely different level of educational possibilities.
While calculators are easy to use for simple operations, they rapidly become unwieldy when many steps are required. Mathematica, on the other hand, is immediately able to offer a fully scalable interface with dramatically more compelling graphics and interactivity, as well as greater systematic learnability.
With its unique document-centered interface and full support for symbolic mathematical notation, Mathematica provides a complete environment for educational computing, seamlessly combining math, visualization, interactivity, programming and text. With support for the latest interface and presentation systems, together with immediate access to thousands of student-modifiable interactive educational demonstrations, Mathematica redefines the role of calculation in the classroom.
Graphing Calculator Features in Mathematica:
Key Advantages of Mathematica Compared to Graphing Calculators:
Interoperability with Graphing Calculators:
Interesting Tidbits:
  • Mathematica is used to test all major brands of calculators
  • Studies have shown high effectiveness of Mathematica in the classroom
  • Many Intel Science Talent winners (as well as Nobel prizewinners) use Mathematica
  • Wolfram Research has been consistently involved in education for two decades
  • The Wolfram Integrator has computed nearly a billion integrals
  • Mathematica has been ported to the OLPC "$100 laptop"
  • Wolfram Research works with producers of next-generation computer hardware
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