The Wolfram Solution for

Medical Imaging

Use built-in functions for segmentation, registration, restoration, and analysis of 2D and 3D volumetric images; prototype new algorithms quickly and efficiently; and deploy tools as standalone or web-based applications—from one system.

The Wolfram medical imaging solution provides a complete integrated workflow for image processing and application development, with the speed and performance benefits of GPU computation, parallel processing, and out-of-core technology.

Rendering and analysis of 3D volumes
The Wolfram Edge
How Wolfram Compares
Key Capabilities

Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions and curated data on many topics that let you:

  • Design software programs to do edge-preserving smoothing, denoising, sharpening, and other enhancements
  • Visualize tomography data in 2D or 3D such as CT and MRI scans
  • Slice through 3D data and explore the inside of a volume
  • Create pattern-recognition algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis or tumor detection
  • Develop and simulate radio-frequency pulse sequences
  • Compare imaging measurements with biological models
  • Scan cell samples for abnormalities
  • Study videos of runners to improve the efficiency of their movements
  • Deblur CT slices and remove inhomogeneities from MRI backgrounds
  • Capture and process images from imaging devices in real time
  • Analyze fiber orientation in lab-grown tissue to determine its strength
  • Use noninvasive techniques to study the heart, reducing risk to the patient
  • Deploy web applications for remote diagnosis

Using blob-analysis techniques to find cells in a microscopic image

Creating interactive tools for analyzing images

Next: How Wolfram Compares
The Wolfram Edge
How Wolfram Compares
Key Capabilities

Does your current tool set have these advantages?

  • Complete, integrated image processing workflow in a single document
    Matlab requires purchasing extra toolboxes for image processing and opening multiple windows to work with multiple images
  • Extensive built-in image processing functions on any platform
    ImageJ requires downloading and installing plug-ins created by varied sources for full functionality; OsiriX is only available for Mac operating systems
  • Procedural, functional, and rule-based programming paradigms, plus easily recognizable function names, create an efficient programming environment
    Matlab and other programs use primarily procedural languages, creating longer code, and use abbreviated function names that provide no intuitive indication of their meaning
  • Conveniently drag and drop images directly into the input line to apply image processing functions
    Unique to Wolfram technologies
  • Integrated environment for interactive visual workflow
    C, C++, and other languages require you to switch between a graphical window and text input to visualize and process images

Using built-in filtering functions for feature detection

A custom interactive tool for thresholding gray-level images

Next: Key Capabilities
The Wolfram Edge
How Wolfram Compares
Key Capabilities

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