Wolfram Language

Enhanced Geo Visualization

Create Histograms from Weighted Locations

For each of the 50 busiest airports in Europe, weight the location of the airport with the number of passengers it serves.

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data = {Entity[ "City", {"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 74985748, Entity["City", {"Paris", "IleDeFrance", "France"}] -> 65766986, Entity["City", {"Istanbul", "Istanbul", "Turkey"}] -> 61322729, Entity["City", {"Frankfurt", "Hesse", "Germany"}] -> 61032022, Entity["City", {"Amsterdam", "NoordHolland", "Netherlands"}] -> 58285118, Entity["City", {"Madrid", "Madrid", "Spain"}] -> 46828279, Entity["City", {"Munich", "Bavaria", "Germany"}] -> 40981522, Entity["City", {"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 40269087, Entity["City", {"Rome", "Lazio", "Italy"}] -> 40233507, Entity["City", {"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Spain"}] -> 39711276, Entity["City", {"Moscow", "Moscow", "Russia"}] -> 31279508, Entity["City", {"Moscow", "Moscow", "Russia"}] -> 30504515, Entity["City", {"Paris", "IleDeFrance", "France"}] -> 29664993, Entity["City", {"Istanbul", "Istanbul", "Turkey"}] -> 28112438, Entity["City", {"Antalya", "Antalya", "Turkey"}] -> 27724249, Entity["City", {"Copenhagen", "Copenhagen", "Denmark"}] -> 26610332, Entity["City", {"Zurich", "Zurich", "Switzerland"}] -> 26281228, Entity["City", {"Dublin", "Dublin", "Ireland"}] -> 25049335, Entity["City", {"Oslo", "Oslo", "Norway"}] -> 24678195, Entity["City", {"Palma", "Balears", "Spain"}] -> 23745131, Entity["City", {"Brussels", "Brussels", "Belgium"}] -> 23460018, Entity["City", {"Stockholm", "Stockholm", "Sweden"}] -> 23142536, Entity["City", {"Manchester", "Manchester", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 23136047, Entity["City", {"Vienna", "Vienna", "Austria"}] -> 22775054, Entity["City", {"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 22519178, Entity["City", {"Dusseldorf", "NorthRhineWestphalia", "Germany"}] -> 22476685, Entity["City", {"Berlin", "Berlin", "Germany"}] -> 21005196, Entity["City", {"Lisbon", "Lisboa", "Portugal"}] -> 20090418, Entity["City", {"Milan", "Lombardy", "Italy"}] -> 18582043, Entity["City", {"Athens", "Attiki", "Greece"}] -> 18086894, Entity["City", {"Helsinki", "Uusimaa", "Finland"}] -> 16422266, Entity["City", {"Moscow", "Moscow", "Russia"}] -> 15815129, Entity["City", {"Geneva", "Geneva", "Switzerland"}] -> 15772081, Entity["City", {"Hamburg", "Hamburg", "Germany"}] -> 15610072, Entity["City", {"Malaga", "Malaga", "Spain"}] -> 1440417, Entity["City", {"SaintPetersburg", "SaintPetersburg", "Russia"}] -> 13501454, Entity["City", {"Ankara", "Ankara", "Turkey"}] -> 12326869, Entity["City", {"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 12263505, Entity["City", {"Izmir", "Izmir", "Turkey"}] -> 12139788, Entity["City", {"Prague", "Prague", "CzechRepublic"}] -> 12030928, Entity["City", {"Nice", "ProvenceAlpesCoteDAzur", "France"}] -> 1201673, Entity["City", {"Warsaw", "Mazowieckie", "Poland"}] -> 1120670, Entity["City", {"Edinburgh", "Edinburgh", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 11114587, Entity["City", {"LasPalmas", "LasPalmas", "Spain"}] -> 10627182, Entity["City", {"Alicante", "Alacant", "Spain"}] -> 10574484, Entity["City", {"Stuttgart", "BadenWurttemberg", "Germany"}] -> 10512225, Entity["City", {"Milan", "Lombardy", "Italy"}] -> 10404625, Entity["City", {"Cologne", "NorthRhineWestphalia", "Germany"}] -> 10338375, Entity["City", {"Budapest", "Budapest", "Hungary"}] -> 10298963, Entity["City", {"Birmingham", "Birmingham", "UnitedKingdom"}] -> 10187122};

Create a histogram by summing the total passengers for all the airports in each country.

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GeoHistogram[data, "Country", ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", PlotLegends -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 450, GeoZoomLevel -> 4, GeoRange -> Entity["GeographicRegion", "Europe"]]

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