Wolfram Language

Visualization: Labels, Scales, Exclusions

Plot Temperature vs. Size

Here are the atomic masses and melting points of the elements as an array of values with associated units.

Click for copyable input
data = QuantityArray[DeleteMissing[EntityValue[\!\(\* NamespaceBox["LinguisticAssistant", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`query$$ = "elements", Typeset`boxes$$ = InterpretationBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{EntityFramework`Formatting`Private`open = False}, TemplateBox[{ TemplateBox[{"\"elements\""}, "ImplicitEntityClassBase"], InterpretationBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{""}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, DefaultBaseStyle -> "GeneralizedEntityInfoGrid", GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"], Column[{}, DefaultBaseStyle -> "GeneralizedEntityInfoGrid"]], Dynamic[EntityFramework`Formatting`Private`open], "\"EntityClass[\\\"Element\\\", All]\"", TemplateBox[{"\"(\"", "\"elements\"", "\")\""}, "RowDefault"]}, "ImplicitEntityToggleLabeled"]], EntityClass["Element", All], SelectWithContents -> True], Typeset`allassumptions$$ = {{ "type" -> "Clash", "word" -> "elements", "template" -> "Assuming \"${word}\" is ${desc1}. Use as \ ${desc2} instead", "count" -> "5", "Values" -> {{ "name" -> "ElementClass", "desc" -> "a class of elements", "input" -> "*C.elements-_*ElementClass-"}, { "name" -> "Book", "desc" -> "a book", "input" -> "*C.elements-_*Book-"}, { "name" -> "Periodical", "desc" -> "a periodical", "input" -> "*C.elements-_*Periodical-"}, { "name" -> "MathWorld", "desc" -> " referring to a mathematical definition", "input" -> "*C.elements-_*MathWorld-"}, { "name" -> "Word", "desc" -> "a word", "input" -> "*C.elements-_*Word-"}}}}, Typeset`assumptions$$ = {}, Typeset`open$$ = {1, 2}, Typeset`querystate$$ = { "Online" -> True, "Allowed" -> True, "mparse.jsp" -> 0.541814`6.185395216127775, "Messages" -> {}}}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`LinguisticAssistantBoxes["", 4, Automatic, Dynamic[Typeset`query$$], Dynamic[Typeset`boxes$$], Dynamic[Typeset`allassumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`assumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], Dynamic[Typeset`querystate$$]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{166., {23., 20.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{ Typeset`query$$, Typeset`boxes$$, Typeset`allassumptions$$, Typeset`assumptions$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`querystate$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`open$$}], BaseStyle->{"Deploy"}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\), {"AtomicMass", "MeltingPoint"}], 1, 1]]

Plot the data and label the axes with the units.

Click for copyable input
ListPlot[data, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", FrameLabel -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 450]

Plot the data with attograms and kelvins as the desired units instead.

Click for copyable input
ListPlot[data, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", FrameLabel -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 450, TargetUnits -> {"Attograms", "Kelvin"}]

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