Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Knowledge about Comets in Microsoft Excel

Comet entities include a subset of modern and historical comets that have been observed.

A few example entities...

C/1987 B2 (Terasako)
C/1994 T1 (Machholz)
C/1998 F2 (SOHO)
C/1999 T3 (LINEAR)
C/2001 X4 (SOHO)
C/2003 O4 (SOHO)
C/2010 J1 (Boattini)
P/2004 H3 (Larsen)

You can access the following properties for each entity...

  • name
  • age
  • apparent magnitude
  • destruction date
  • average diameter
  • equatorial diameter
  • equatorial radius
  • gravitational constant mass product
  • nuclear magnitude parameter
  • nuclear magnitude slope parameter
  • object type
  • average radius
  • rotation period
  • shape
  • solar day
  • sphere of influence radius
  • surface area
  • total magnitude parameter
  • total magnitude slope parameter
  • volume
  • largest distance from the Sun
  • next apoapsis time
  • last apoapsis time
  • longitude of ascending node Ω
  • average distance from Earth
  • average orbit distance
  • average orbit velocity
  • average heliocentric velocity
  • distance from Earth
  • distance from Sun
  • Earth minimum orbit intersection distance
  • eccentric anomaly
  • orbital eccentricity
  • heliocentric XYZ coordinates
  • orbital inclination
  • mean anomaly
  • mean motion
  • orbit center
  • orbit circumference
  • orbital period
  • argument of periapsis ω
  • longitude of periapsis ϖ
  • next periapsis time
  • last periapsis time
  • nearest distance from the Sun
  • orbital semimajor axis
  • orbital semiminor axis
  • true anomaly
  • alphanumeric name
  • alternate names
  • IAU name
  • primary designation
  • wikipedia summary text
  • image
  • altitude
  • apparent altitude
  • azimuth
  • above the horizon
  • constellation
  • daily time above horizon
  • declination
  • next maximum altitude time
  • apparent direction
  • right ascension
  • next rise
  • next set
  • discovery year
  • + more
  • - less

Note: Wolfram entities represent physical entities as well as mathematical and other scientific concepts. Each entity type has a unique set of properties. Wolfram entity types and properties correspond to "data types" and "fields" in Excel.

How to Use Wolfram Data in Excel

Note: This is now available with a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription.


Highlight data and click the Automatic button

Select cells or columns in a table with the text to convert, then select the Automatic button in the Data Types gallery of the Data tab. Wolfram's natural language understanding will recognize the entities and convert them.


Browse associated data

Select the Insert Data button that appears to browse a list of all available properties. Select one to insert data into your workbook. When you have data in a table, Excel will automatically fill the table for you. Wolfram has hundreds of expertly curated entities in Excel, encompassing the sciences, arts, culture, and more.


Automatically get data

Once converted to an entity, you can use key Excel features to work with data pulled from Wolfram. Sort and Filter data, or create formulas that reference an entity's properties and values.


Browse more information

Selecting the icon of a converted cell opens a card where you can find detailed data from Wolfram. This means you don't need to leave Excel to accomplish your goals.

Compute with Comet data in the Wolfram Language