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Mathematical Typesetting

Use keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+/ for fractions) to insert fillable typeset expressions:

(Click a box to highlight and fill it or press TAB to move among the boxes.)

This is a simple way to enter exponents (CTRL+6), subscripts (CTRL+-) and other common expressions.

Pressing the ESC key in a notebook generates the symbol for keyboard shortcuts of the form alias (often notated ESCaliasESC in documentation).

Type the correct alias, and the expression changes when the closing is entered:

(The alias for “partial derivative” is “pd”.)

Sums, integrals and other high-level expressions are generated this way:

(The alias for “definite integral” is “dintt”.)

Many Greek letters and other special characters also use this form.

From a desktop notebook, you can select the “Basic Math Assistant” from the Palettes Menu for an overview of available typeset forms.

Clicking a palette button inserts a fillable expression at your cursor’s position:

Use the TraditionalForm command to display any expression in traditional mathematical notation:

Click for copyable input
TraditionalForm[(y + 3)^2/((y - 2) (y + 5))]

Convert existing cells to TraditionalForm using SHIFT+CMD+T:

(Expressions in TraditionalForm are still computable.)
Click for copyable input
Limit[(x^2 - 1)/(x - 1), x -> 0]
Click for copyable input
\!\(\*UnderscriptBox[\(lim\), \(x \[Rule] 0\)]\)(
 x^2 - 1)/(x - 1)

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