
The Wolfram Device Framework provides streamlined support for interacting with external devices. By presenting a symbolic representation for each device and a standard set of Wolfram Language functions, the Device Framework allows easy programmatic access to a wide variety of electronic hardware. With state-of-the-art computational algorithms and Wolfram Cloud support, the Wolfram Language offers sophisticated tools to visualize, analyze, and store device data.

  • 可在设备上运行如 DeviceReadDeviceWriteDeviceExecute 等 Wolfram 语言函数的标准集合.
  • 支持同步、异步和缓冲通信方式.
  • 查找与您的电脑系统连接的所有设备,并且自动对如缓冲长度、相机帧率、加速计量程等各种设备属性进行程序式设定和检索.
  • 访问设备数据分析的 Wolfram 语言算法和可视化函数整个套件.
  • 与 Wolfram Cloud 的紧密组合使之可按需下载匹配的设备驱动,并且可以轻松上载、分析和提取设备数据.
  • 完全支持桌面环境和 Raspberry Pi.
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