Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Solutions for

Sustainable Energy

Powering the Research and Innovation That Powers the World

image of sustainable energy infrastructure
image of sustainable energy infrastructure

All-in-One Computation Is Key to Better Decisions

Energy provider? Green energy consultant? Renewable energy start-up? Or maybe even a researcher discovering the solution to the world's growing need for sustainable energy? Wolfram empowers sustainable energy pioneers with the world's leading all-in-one computation system backed by its professional services team.

Unlike traditional specialized tools, Wolfram optimizes across all areas of modern computation—including data science, modeling, simulation and control systems—to empower you to optimize decisions, discover new solutions and break new ground in areas as diverse as:

  • Planning wind farms
  • Increasing building efficiency
  • Developing net-zero biofuels
  • Analyzing green energy investments
  • Modeling digital twins
  • Conducting predictive maintenance
  • Optimizing existing infrastructure
  • Designing new battery technologies
  • Simulating societal power usage

With Wolfram tools, technologies and expertise, you can…

Build For Engineers, System Designers and Product Developers

Escape siloed thinking. Build industrial-strength, cross-domain models of complete, complex sustainable systems with a large selection of built-in and expandable modeling libraries.

Wolfram's single symbolic structure for everything breaks down silos, enabling specialists from every domain to work together on a single, fully integrated platform. That integration uniquely allows multi-domain collaboration to analyze, understand and iterate integrated system designs with ease.

Optimize, Predict, React

Identify components that most affect the efficiency and reliability of entire systems and reduce costly inefficiencies and unplanned maintenance.

Wolfram Language provides a full suite of optimization, reliability and failure mode analysis tools, including parametric and nonparametric lifetime distributions, support for estimating distributions from uncensored and censored data, computing lifetime distributions for systems, and component importance measures.

graph showing pressure in relation to a system's pressure thresholds
graph showing pressure in relation to a system's pressure thresholds

Compare and Analyze

Build digital twins and conduct hardware-in-the-loop simulations for real-world validation, verification and assessment. Know exactly how your systems are operating in their operational contexts from your desktop or even in the field with the Wolfram Cloud.

Image depicting building digital twins
Image depicting building digital twins
graph showing motor efficiency against torque
green quotation mark

Case Study: Rapidly Build and Verify Hardware Control Systems with Wolfram Language

The Wolfram workflow has provided the team with significant savings on development and computation time, and their resulting prototypes have reduced energy consumption by nearly 50% in some cases. Licensees of AC Kinetics products include many high-profile companies, such as NASA, Westinghouse and HP.

-Neil Singer, President, AC Kinetics, Inc.

Optimize For Green Energy Consultants, Operations Managers and Investors

With so many possibilities for making energy production and usage more efficient and sustainable, being able to find the optimal path in complex systems is critical.

Extract Better Insights with Multiparadigm Data Science

Add a new dimension to your analysis with all of the data science tools and techniques you'll need. With highly automated machine learning, robust statistics and advanced visualizations, you can uncover the real insights hidden in your data.

Whether you are starting a new project or need help with something in progress, Wolfram's dedicated team of data science consultants can produce high-fidelity results, fast—any size, scope or type of data.

 image depicting how multiparadigm data science can uncover the real insights hidden within your data
 image depicting how multiparadigm data science can uncover the real insights hidden within your data

Uncover Problems before They're Problems

Wolfram's optimization tools allow you to find the best combination of choices across a complex system. Whether that is minimizing costs, maximizing output or eliminating bottlenecks, tools for constrained and unconstrained optimizations of linear and nonlinear systems are built into Wolfram's integrated toolset.

Wolfram Optimization: Model, Solve, Analyze Designs
data plot with a section magnified to highlight an anomaly in the data
data plot with a section magnified to highlight an anomaly in the data
3D data visualisation showing multiple datapoints
blue quotation mark

Case Study: Optimizing Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance

The Wolfram System has been a powerful technical computing development platform for designing software and algorithms dedicated to offshore wind farms with its extensive industrial-grade functions, elegant visualizations, advanced data analysis capabilities and unparalleled connectivity with external data sources.

-Jean Lamaire, CEO & Founder, Paragon Labs

Innovate For Innovators, Researchers and Academics

True innovation begins at first principles. The Wolfram System lets you escape the locked-in assumptions of specialized software so you are free to create and discover without restriction.

With Wolfram, clear principles, unified design and an elegant symbolic structure combine to create the world's most productive computational environment.

Work Seamlessly across Domains

Stop looking at challenges in isolation. Wolfram Language represents everything—including data, formulas, graphics and models—as symbolic expressions, making it possible to bring everything together seamlessly.

That means if you want to be able to plug historic meteorological data into your model of a new wind turbine, estimate potential energy output and determine the revenue generated, you only have to use one system—no third-party packages required.

image showing how Wolfram Language can represent everything as symbolic expressions
image showing how Wolfram Language can represent everything as symbolic expressions

Focus on Your Goals, Not the Code

Wolfram technology enables you to focus on the task at hand and allows non-specialists to use modern tools such as machine learning through superfunctions and high-level automation. Don't worry—experts can drill down into the details if they need to! If you don't want to code at all, Wolfram technical consultants are on hand to help with anything from interactive reports and data science to fully customized solutions and applications.

Notebook showing a plot of flight path visibility. Compute and visualize geographic data. Use entities from the same knowledgebase that powers Wolfram|Alpha. Access powerful algorithms through built-in functions.
Notebook showing a plot of flight path visibility. Compute and visualize geographic data. Use entities from the same knowledgebase that powers Wolfram|Alpha. Access powerful algorithms through built-in functions.

The Ways to Work with Wolfram

Whether you're looking for the perfect technology platform for a new project or require support building something in progress—any size or scope—you'll get unparalleled innovation and high-fidelity results with the Wolfram System.

Wolfram provides organizations around the world with a unique, customized and flexible combination of technology and services to support their goals.

image showing spectrum of options for engagement with Wolfram technology
image depicting core technology

Core Technology

The world's leading computational toolset: Wolfram technologies include Wolfram Notebooks, the preeminent environment for technical workflows; System Modeler, a next-generation modeling and simulation environment; and the underlying Wolfram Language, the first computational language, making expressing complex ideas in computational form possible.

image depicting education and training

Education & Training

If you need support getting started or getting the most out of Wolfram technology or modern computation tools such as multiparadigm data science, modeling and simulations, we have a range of ready-made learning materials and training courses available on Wolfram U.

We can also offer personalized in-person training for you and your teams.

 image depicting programming support

Programming Support

Have a project in progress but not sure how to tackle a problem? Need additional resources to get results faster? Want help on optimizing or deploying your code for production? Wolfram Consulting Group is here to help.

We can provide whatever programming support you need and ensure everything we deliver is understandable, modifiable and sustainable, so you're not locked into unending consulting contracts and are free to use your code as you wish.

image depicting full project development

Full Project Development

If you have a problem but don't know where to start, or have thought of the next big sustainable innovation but don't have the technical resources to create it, Wolfram Consulting Group can manage your project from beginning to end. We'll work with you to understand exactly what you want to achieve, combine our computational experience with your domain expertise to create a plan, and bring your ideas to life.

We can also help you secure funding and apply for grants with proofs of concept and regulatory experience.

image depicting ad hoc multiparadigm data science

Ad Hoc Multiparadigm Data Science

Your data. Our experts. With multiparadigm data science from the makers of Wolfram|Alpha, you get high-fidelity results at unparalleled turnaround times—any size, scope or type of data.

We are uniquely able to deliver highly interactive notebooks, reports and software with a full spectrum of interfaces to power modern decision making for your organization—no more static PDFs!

Our three decades of cutting-edge computational and AI technology innovation gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in consulting work across all industries—including sustainable energy.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn how Wolfram Consulting can help your organization.

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