Mechanical Engineering
Use System Modeler to model and simulate dynamics problems including mechanisms and machinery with kinematic, dynamic, and thermal behaviors. Study and solve vibration problems.
Thermo–Fluid Systems: Entropy Transfer
Addition of heat can lead to flow of fluid from a high entropy to a low entropy region. In this example, we see how solar radiation can lead to fluid flow between a storage tank and a tanker.
Model of the Tank System
The storage tank is connected to a tanker via a non return valve and a pipe. Heat is added to the storage tank by means of solar radiation.

Storage tank connected to a tanker.
Compare Mass Flow for Different Fluids
The mass flow rate of natural gas is about 25 times more than that of water for the same amount of solar radiation.
Simulate Delays Due to Pipe Lengths
As the pipe length increases a delay is introduced between the peak of the solar radiation and peak of the mass flow rate.

The plot shows mass flow rates for different pipe lengths. Natural gas is used as the working fluid.
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