Computational Biology
Model, simulate, and visualize biological and biochemical systems. Model and simulate reaction kinetics.

G-Protein‐Coupled Receptors
Of all currently used therapeutic drugs, about 40-50% are centered on the mechanisms of so-called G-protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we use the SBML import function in Wolfram System Modeler to import a model that describes the behavior of GPCRs and G proteins in a yeast cell.

Allosteric Regulation Explained with ATCase
Allosteric regulation is a prime drug target because it reduces the risk of overdose and side effects and can be used to fine-tune pharmacological processes. This model studies a naturally occurring allosteric reaction: the first step in the pyrimidine synthesis, catalyzed by the allosteric enzyme aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase).

Herd Immunity
When a large percentage of the population becomes immune to a disease such as COVID-19, you can consider the population to be protected from the disease by herd immunity. This means that although 100% of the population may not be vaccinated, a sufficient proportion of the population is, and the rate of infection starts to decrease. In this example, you will investigate the concept of herd immunity using the SIR (susceptible, infected and recovered) model.

Natural Selection
Natural selection is fundamental in understanding how populations evolve over time. It helps with understanding why some traits die out while others flourish. In this example, you will explore the effect that environmental selection pressures have on the genetic makeup of a population.

Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is an important tool, not only in clinical settings but also in research. In this example, you will explore how DNA is manipulated in genetic testing. You will use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify a DNA sample and then use electrophoresis to diagnose patients with genetic diseases.

Sex-Linked Inheritance
Not all traits are inherited on autosomes—there are a large number of traits inherited on the sex chromosomes. In this example, you will explore how traits are inherited on the sex chromosomes and how this affects the proportion of individuals with each genotype in the population.

Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
The Hardy–Weinberg principle is a fundamental principle in population genetics. It describes populations that are no longer undergoing evolution and thus reach a steady state. In this example, you will learn to construct a genetic inheritance model and analyze scenarios when the assumptions of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium are violated.
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