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Mechanical Engineering

Use System Modeler to model and simulate dynamics problems including mechanisms and machinery with kinematic, dynamic, and thermal behaviors. Study and solve vibration problems.

Coupled Clutches

By coupling clutches together, a variable structure drivetrain can be achieved. With different clutches engaged at different times, torque is supplied to different parts of the system.

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The Model

The model consists of a series of coupled inertia components separated by clutches between them. When a clutch is engaged, friction will be present between two adjacent inertia components, causing them to transfer momentum to each other. The first and the last inertia components are damped by rotational dampers, and a constant torque is applied to the first inertia.

The inertias are separated by clutches that can be engaged or disengaged to vary the structure of the drivetrain.


By simulating the model, the angular velocities of the inertias over time can be studied. The effect of engaging the different clutches can be seen in the plot below.

After 5 seconds, the second clutch from the left is engaged, followed by the third after 10 seconds. After 15 seconds, the first clutch is disengaged.

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By applying a sinusoidal function to the last clutch, a pattern emerges that can be studied using Fourier analysis.

Fourier analysis applied on the acceleration signal of the last inertia when the final clutch is applied using a sinusoidal force.

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Model a Drivetrain

Analyze the drivetrain’s behavior with different clutches engaged at different times.