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Computation with Geometry and Meshes

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1311 videos match your search.
Camilo Castrillon-Toro and Jason Sonnenberg
Recent and upcoming features of Wolfram|Alpha, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition and the Wolfram Language related to chemical education are discussed. These features include expanded step-by-step solutions support, improved free-form ...
Jason Sonnenberg and Camilo Castrillon-Toro
Recent and upcoming features of Wolfram|Alpha, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition and the Wolfram Language related to chemical education are discussed. These features include expanded Step-by-Step support, improved free form ...
Jason Biggs
Dariia Porechna
In the modern world, cryptography is omnipresent. In this talk, Dariia Porechna will introduce recent and future developments to Wolfram Language cryptography functionality in the areas of digital signing and ...
Nick Lariviere
Riccardo Di Virgilio
The ExternalEvaluate framework lets you evaluate code from a number of external languages and environments such as Python, Ruby and Java directly in your Wolfram session. This talk will focus ...
José Martín-García
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh
In this talk, Charles Pooh talks about the latest geometric functionality in the Wolfram Language, including updates to mesh regions, new geometric computation functions, and future plans.
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh
Charles Pooh
This presentation highlights new graphs and network functionality in Mathematica 10, including support for multigraphs and mixed graphs, 3D graph visualization, and enhanced performance and usability.
Jaebum Jung
The Wolfram Language provides easy access to powerful graph functionalities. In this talk, Jaebum Jung gives you a chance to familiarize yourself with the features in Version 12 and get a ...
Shadi Ashnai
Mathematica12 では,新しい関数が追加されるだけでなく,インターフェイスや他のプログラミング言語との相互運用性の向上,コアな言語の効率化など様々な改良もされている.今回は,OverViewとして,最適化,幾何学,可視化の新しい機能と,ニューラルネットワーク(VAE,GAN)の例を紹介する.
Jordan Hasler, Anne Marie-Torresen, Judy Zhang, Jack Heimrath, Jeremy Stratton-Smith, Carlos Alvarez
An introduction and review of the latest step-by-step programs for Wolfram|Alpha including a discussion of developing step-by-step functions from both algorithmic and rule-based approaches are shown, along with applications ...
Jan Brugard
In this talk, Jan Brugard reviews key features from the latest releases of Wolfram System Modeler (12.1 and 12.2), as well as model libraries, including several virtual labs, that we have released ...
Jan Brugard