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Anthony Zupnik
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岡崎 耕太郎
Wolfram CommunityのFeatured Contributor でもある富士通株式会社の岡崎氏は,Machine learningへのMathematicaの活用について,deep learningによる音楽生成,クローリング・スクレイピングによるデータ収集,紙面上のグラフのデータ化等,Wolfram Communityの活用実践例を紹介する.
Etienne Bernard
As part of the Wolfram Language, we developed efficient yet user-friendly machine learning tools aimed for use at both beginners and experts in the field. These tools include a neural ...
Ian Johnson, Alex Newman, and Brett Haines
Ian Johnson, Alex Newman, and Brett Haines
George Woodrow III
The Wolfram Language has a number of useful controls, but has no circular slider. In this presentation, I show how I developed one, going from an example in the documentation ...
Scott Gray
In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Scott Gray, director of Making Math at O'Reilly Media, shares his views on Computer-Based Math™ and gives an overview of the Mathematica-based ...
Robert Nachbar
We studied the game Mancala using game graphs and multiway analysis to examine how game complexity and fairness change with different board configurations and rule sets, as well as how ...
Lou D'Andria
The Manipulate function is the basis for the Demonstrations Project and Wolfram CDF Player, but just how well do you know it? This talk empowers you to become an expert ...
Lou D'Andria
How well do you know the Manipulate function? Lou D'Andria examines some of its lesser known features, ranging from those that are fully documented to those that are not documented ...
Histórico sobre o uso da tecnologia Wolfram em ensino e pesquisa pelo Dr. Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira vencedor do Wolfram Innovator Award da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Mária Bohdalová
Jack Madden
As an astrophysicist turned artist, I will talk about my journey from studying science to creating art in Mathematica and how the current art world has embraced code as a ...
Andrew Hanson
Bruce Torrence
In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Bruce Torrence shares examples of how he's used Mathematica to produce illustrations, demonstrations, and animations for articles in Math Horizons, a magazine ...
Luc Barthelet/Todd Gayley
Николай Вавилов
陆玉柱博士 (Wolfram 资深界面开发)
本次讲座主要概览简介 Mathematica 图形图像语言及相关主要功能,包括:2D/3D primitives, directives, options, 以及软件内置的交换编辑功能比如:drawing palette, Image/Image3D tool bar, context menus。本次讲座还将介绍一些 Mathematica 的最新支持的图形图像功能,比如:带照明的立体渲染(lighted volume rendering),非真实感绘制(non-photorealistic shading)及客户自定义图形显示。