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1311 videos match your search.
Anton Antonov
Bernat Espigule-Pons
Gerald Thomas
John Fultz, Roger Germundsson, Tom Wickham-Jones, and Arnoud Buzing
In this talk, Wolfram's expert panel presents a summary of new Mathematica 10 features and answers audience questions about algorithms and R&D.
Seth Chandler
Christian Pasquel
Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs, are changing the way we think about value and property. In this talk, you'll be part of a computational exploration of this technology, its ...
Jason Biggs
This talk presents a set of paclets available from the new Wolfram Paclet Repository that extend the chemistry functionality in the Wolfram Language. Exhaustively generate isomers from a chemical formula using the MAYGEN or surge libraries, perform semi-empirical quantum chemistry using MOPAC, generate new and novel compounds ...
Jeffrey Bryant
Reconstructions of the geological history of the Earth can be carried out using a number of tools in Wolfram Language. GeoGraphics, EntityValue and the Wolfram Function Repository provide a variety ...
Aaron Santos
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Random quantum circuits are usually constructed with a random unitary matrix, a method that depends on expensive matrix decomposition. Here we propose a different method more easily implementable on quantum ...
Keiko Hirayama
New taxonomic species data collections encompass ecological, geographical and biological knowledge animals, plants, fungi and other microorganisms. With the hierarchical entity type syntax, one can access taxonomic information of species ...
Armin Vollmer
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Contextual interfaces in Wolfram Notebooks continue to enable new and interesting approaches to interface design. In this talk, we will review the rudiments of attached cells, examine existing uses of ...
Bs. Claudio Chaib, Wolfram Research
Colin Chapman
This talk defines the Extreme Citizen Science learning posture and applies it to the development of a Polarimeter from scratch using an Arduino microcontroller and the ModelPlug library in Wolfram ...
Meghan Rieu-Werden, Matteo Salvarezza
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FE Talk25:30
John Fultz