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Uso del Portal de Usuarios Wolfram Ecuador

Este evento abordará el uso del portal de Wolfram para las universidades asociadas a la Red Nacional de Investigación y Educación del Ecuador. Se mostrará como crear perfiles de usuario, su validación, requisitos de acceso, cómo descargar sus licencias y disfrutar de los beneficios que brinda el convenio Wolfram-CEDIA.

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65 videos match your search.
This tutorial screencast encourages users to work along in Mathematica 7 as they learn the basics to create their first notebook, calculations, visualizations, and interactive examples. Includes Spanish audio.
Frank Scherbaum
Geophysics professor Frank Scherbaum walks through an example of how he used Mathematica to develop an integrated system for students, teachers, and researchers to use in their probabilistic seismic hazard ...
This screencast helps you get started using Mathematica by introducing some of the most basic concepts, including entering input, understanding the anatomy of functions, working with data and matrix operations, ...
Abby Brown
Mathematica gives students the power to manipulate interactive graphics and develop complex data models. High-school teacher Abby Brown shares the success she experiences by using Mathematica in her classroom. Includes ...
Andrew Hull
This video features Mathematica user Andrew Hull, who explains how Mathematica is used to develop eco-friendly biofuel solutions. Includes Spanish audio.