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1311 videos match your search.
Maik Meusel
Christian Rodriguez
Daavid Väänänen
Piero Sanchez and Alec Macher
We showcase the power of Wolfram Language for computational analysis of blockchains, enabling forensic analysis, transaction reading, and writing, with a focus on practical examples. Discover how to visualize transactions ...
Pedro Fonseca & Diego Zviovich
Maik Meusel
Gerli Jogeva
Abdul Dakkak
This presentation explains how to perform nontrivial computer science research using Mathematica, including compiler-based optimizations that can be coded from within Mathematica.
Giulio Alessandrini & Mikayel Egibyan
Joanna Perkins
Conrad Wolfram
computerbasedmath.org is a project to build a new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart. In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, Conrad Wolfram discusses the concept, ...
Jiri Benedikt
Antonio Brito and Abraham Gadalla
In this Wolfram Technology Conference talk, Antonio Brito and Abraham Gadalla demonstrate how they use Mathematica's warning error messages to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts.
Roman Maeder
Using the Wolfram Language, it is possible to connect to other Wolfram Language engines (kernels) both locally and on remote computers. Kernels can be used for ad-hoc evaluations, as session kernels of a notebook or bundled for parallel computation. Support for discovering, configuring and managing kernel resources is now available across a wide variety of environments. We will discuss local ...
Dan McDonald, Ian Ford, James Mulnix, Nicolas Robles, Lin Con
Christopher Wolfram and Todd Gayley
Christopher Wolfram and Todd Gayley demonstrate a Mathematica connection to the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 quadricopter, which allows them to fly it and capture live video and flight data. They also ...
Erasmo Gomez Montoya
Paul Pawlenko, Charles Pooh
The Wolfram Language provides easy access to powerful import/export functionality and a range of external connections. In this talk, Paul Pawlenko and Charles Pooh help familiarize you with some ...
Uma abordagem prática para uso de computação e tecnologia Wolfram nas aulas de engenharia pelo Dr. Daniel Sander Hoffmann da UERGS
Claudio Parazzoli