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1311 videos match your search.
Paul Abbott
The 3-4 week Wolfram Summer School Educational Innovation track provides hands-on Wolfram Language training, extensive high-quality mentoring from experts and Wolfram Research developers sharing their experience in making educational technologies and quality feedback from other like-minded educators. In this presentation I will give an overview of the Wolfram Summer School ...
Nina Dokeva
Rob Knapp
New compiler technology optimizes execution performance directly from the Mathematica language. At the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, Rob Knapp presents this talk on how to effectively use the Mathematica compiler and ...
Richard Gass
Mathematica 10 introduces powerful functions for region-based computation. NDSolve solves PDEs over arbitrary regions, but current built-in methods cannot solve elliptical eigenvalue problems over arbitrary regions. This talk shows how to ...
Milana Santos
In this talk, Milana Santos discusses designing online courseware for electrical engineering students using the Wolfram Language and the Wolfram Cloud at Polytechnical School of Universidade de São Paulo. ...
Yehuda Ben-Shimol
Bruno Autin
What is an elementary particle? After a brief historical introduction, the approach followed by Richard Feynman is explained using three experiments derived from Young's test of diffraction by two slits. The statistical approach is supported by functions and transformations available in the Wolfram Language. ...
Stuart Nettleton and David Boyle
This presentation describes the main elements of a temporal workforce structure model that has been developed using the Wolfram language and Wolfram Desktop application. The symbolic approach delivers the benefits of "closed-loop" control ...
George Woodrow III
Flavio B.Gonzaga
This presentation shows a detailed view of SearchOnMath, a search engine specializing in formulas and text from domains with math content. It includes the ability to search arXiv preprints and ...
Fechamento da conferência 2020 e perguntas e responsta com Me. Daniel Carvalho da Wolfram Research.
Ramesh Adhikari
Ramesh Adhikari, Ph.D.
Mathematica is a powerful computing environment that offers tools for financial computations, simulation, optimization, risk management and forecasting. This talk demos built-in financial functions and custom functions for financial data ...
Brad Harden, Jon Harwood, Jeff Todd
Learn more about how to deploy your Wolfram Language code both across your organization and to external users. This talk demonstrates examples and benefits of leveraging technologies like Wolfram Enterprise ...
Edmund Robinson
Jayanta Phadikar
Rob Knapp
Working with arrays is fundamental to efficient use of Wolfram Language and appears in almost any computation. The basic representation for an array is a nested list, but there are ...
Rafal Chojna and Jay Warendorff
Wolfram/Chess provides import and export capabilities for widely used chess FEN and PGN formats. You can import chess games and positions as Wolfram Language expressions and analyze them using ...
Jaebum Jung & Yan Zhuang
Ambar Jain, Ph.D.
Ambar Jain presents an assessment platform developed at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, that serves deeply randomized synchronous and asynchronous assessments to students. Content and quiz ...