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1311 videos match your search.
Anthony Zupnik
Mikayel Egibyan
In this presentation, Mikayel Egibyan talks about the history and techniques used for handwriting recognition and analysis and demonstrates some solutions using neural networks trained on handwritten datasets. He also ...
Jan Brugård
Aplicação do Wolfram SystemModeler na indústria para elaborar sistemas de controle avançados pelo Dr. Alexandre Leite da Austral Dynamics
Keiko Hirayama and Jason Martinez
Wolfram Language provides a wealth of computational tools for improving and maintaining health and fitness. Using Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, we show the breadth of information available related to nutrition, ...
George Woodrow III
Tom Wickham-Jones
In this talk, Tom Wickham-Jones describes ways that the Wolfram Compiler generates performant code, as well as some future directions. He shows applications for multi-core as well as grid computing. ...
Adam Strzebonski
The upcoming release of Mathematica includes significant performance improvements in polynomial algebra functions and in linear algebra for matrices of univariate polynomials. The release also includes functionality extensions in polynomial ...
Abby Brown, Emily Zhang, Shannon Brownlee
Abby Brown, Eric Nelson & Students
Stephen Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram opened the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011 by giving attendees an exclusive first look at many exciting projects under development at Wolfram. This video features highlights from his opening address.
Cesar Loli
Bernat Espigule
This talk discusses New Learning Journeys, created exclusively for the History of Mathematics Project. Virtual exhibits and their navigation were entirely built using Wolfram Language, the Wolfram Knowledgebase and Wolfram ...
Kun Li
Compared with traditional market makers, high-frequency trading has a larger impact on low-frequency liquidity and order-execution quality. This talk examines how high-frequency trading affects low-frequency trading.
Ed Pegg
In a sparse ruler, such as {0, 1, 6, 9, 11, 13}, all the distances can still be measured even though many marks are missing. The speaker has proven, by construction, that sparse rulers of any ...
Piero Sanchez
This talk discusses the integration of Wolfram Language with multiple blockchains and expanded capabilities for users to create their own connections to other blockchains. By integrating decentralized technologies with Wolfram ...
Lambert Chao & Caleb Markley
Jay Alan Jackson
Lowri Nia Knibbs Vaughan
Jesse Galef
In this talk, Jesse Galef highlights ways to use Wolfram Mathematica to gain insight into machine learning models, including both existing tools and projects being developed. This includes discussion of ...