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You searched for - "typesetting" in the Technology Conference channel

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9 videos match your search.
Bignya Pathi and Jayanta Phadikar
This talk presents a comprehensive walk-through of the techniques for creating custom notations and objects with Wolfram Language as they relate to typesetting. It includes a short introduction of object-oriented ...
Jason Harris
Jason Harris discusses the box representation in the Mathematica front end, leading into the discussion of TemplateBoxes and the representation of many typeset and evaluatable expressions in the front end. ...
Jan Poeschko
This talk is about how we put Mathematica on the web, from its early beginnings to our future plans for the Wolfram Cloud. Jan Poeschko discuss some challenges with implementing the notebook interface in web browsers, current limitations of the typesetting editor and how to work around them as a user. You will also learn a few things about the cloud object system, which is the basis for dealing with files in ...
Itai Seggev
Jason Harris
Many everyday notations and structures in Mathematica now use TemplateBoxes in the front end, making it an important building block for developers. This presentation discusses multiple topics around this somewhat ...
Jason Harris
Jason Abernathy
Jason Harris
Jason Harris