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Como a economia reagiu à pandemia

Uma visão interesasnte sobre o comportamento econônico no período da pandemia pelo Me. Frederico Meinberg da Analytica Capital

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CUDA is a technology for massively parallel computation running with NVidia GPUs. It is well supported and widely used for many areas of computation. Wolfram Language provides CUDA integration with ...
Yuzhu Lu
Mathematica has support for OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) files to customize 2D/3D graphics rendering through SurfaceAppearance. Users can can create customized rendering and more advanced applications. Learn about all ...
Ariel Sepulveda, PhD
Ariel Sepulveda of Pronto Analytics demonstrates a GUI-based application for analytics and report generation. D4 CR is a data analysis and report-generation system where users type requests to generate enlightening ...
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Mathematica's parallel functions make it possible to produce video and plots of results after collecting various image processing data during transport and lifting engineering operations. The goal of the work ...
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Mathematica and Wolfram Language can connect to basically every open or commercial database, relational (SQL) or NoSQL flavors. Lots of that data is just sitting there waiting to be explored ...
Daniele Ceravolo
Using Wolfram Language, we can explore information provided by a raft of data reporting within enterprise systems to better to find patterns and insights for companies. Wolfram Language can import, ...
Christopher Hanusa
Jose Martin-Garcia, Chris Carlson
We continue to expand and improve the functionality of Dataset. This presentation features Jose Martin-Garcia and Chris Carlson describing current and anticipated work, including Dataset editing, themes and improvements to ...
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New in Mathematica 10, Dataset introduces a general-purpose container for storing tabular or hierarchical data using lists and associations. This talk covers the query language of Dataset, ascending and descending operators, ...
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In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Gerald Thomas explores some applications of decision process theory, which uses differential geometry techniques to predict future decisions.
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