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Como a economia reagiu à pandemia

Uma visão interesasnte sobre o comportamento econônico no período da pandemia pelo Me. Frederico Meinberg da Analytica Capital

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1311 videos match your search.
Keiko Hirayama
Keita Sumiya
This talk covers how Mathematica is used to explore the periodic orbit theory in the Anisotropic Kepler Problem and Devil's Staircase surface faceting.
Anton Antonov
Tom Sherlock
Estudo sobre algoritmos com inspiração biológica em otimização e predição pelo professor Dr. Rubelmar M. de Azevedo Cruz Neto da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA)
Tuseeta Banerjee
Giulio Alessandrini
Matthias Odisio
Rob Knapp
Ulises Cervantes-Pimentel
In this video presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, Ulises Cervantes-Pimentel, a senior kernel developer at Wolfram, describes how to compute and program using the new GPU capabilities in Mathematica 8.
Ivo Vyn and Jan Riha
Ivo Vyn and Jan Riha share insights on the applications of Mathematica in crystalline optical activity in this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference.
Kenneth Bogen
Mathematica has been an invaluable tool supporting diverse quantitative toxicology and environmental health-risk assessment projects for Kenneth T. Bogen. In this talk, he shares information about multiple projects in this ...
Anthony Zupnik
Aneet Narendranath
Charles Pooh & Keren Garcia
Christopher Wolfram and Keshav Saharia
In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Christopher Wolfram and Keshav Saharia explain how they've connected Mathematica to the Arduino and demonstrate some of the possibilities for using the ...
David Stoutemyer
Mark Sofroniou
Association is a new data structure in Mathematica 10 that provides a new way of storing and organizing information. This talk discusses the fundamental design and gives a comparison with other ...
Tom Sherlock
The complex imaging workflow associated with astrophotography can be automated using the Wolfram Language’s intrinsic image processing and statistical data manipulation functionality. This talk illustrates this workflow with galaxy ...
Devendra Kapadia