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用 Wolfram 语言进行数学建模及将实际问题转换为数学语言

将生活中的一些问题以数学语言表示出来,在此基础上用 Mathematica 建模。采用 Manipulate 和 Dynamic System 使模型更加可视化,让用户可以操作模型中的变量,查看改变此变量可能会对整个模型产生的影响。展示一个用 Wolfram 语言去预测两个人物在一段感情中情感波动的模型。

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Rodrigo Obando
Focusing on traditional origami but approaching it with mathematical formalism rather than artistic values, we realize origami in a virtual space by using Mathematica's leading-edge symbolic, numeric and graphics computation ...
Tetsuo Ida
Focusing on traditional origami but approaching it with mathematical formalism rather than artistic values, we realize origami in a virtual space by using Mathematica's leading-edge symbolic, numeric and graphics computation ...
Philip Todd
We present a method for automatically generating new geometry theorems using angle chasing techniques. Our method transforms rank-deficient matrices to incorporate line angles and bisectors, and outputs the theorems in ...
Rob Knapp
Working with arrays is fundamental to efficient use of Wolfram Language and appears in almost any computation. The basic representation for an array is a nested list, but there are ...
Connor Gray
Paritosh Mokhasi

This talk will give an overview of the various optimization functions that can be used to solve a wide variety of convex, nonconvex and multidomain problems. The Wolfram optimization functionality will be demonstrated using a diverse set of examples. Visiting this talk ...
Stuart Nettleton, David Boyle

Uncertainty is a major component of subjective logic beliefs. We discuss the cloud of uncertainty across Markov networks, insights from computational irreducibility, and negative quantum quasiprobabilities and beliefs.
Nina Dokeva

This talk will discuss the global optimization functionality in Wolfram Language. It builds upon the convex and convertible to convex optimization functionality developed previously and extends to functionality for solving ...
Anton Antonov
In this presentation, we discuss the completion of computational templates with parameters that are extracted from text specifications using a question answering system. We outline the general method and demonstrate ...
Leonid Shifrin
Dataset has become a widely used tool to process and manipulate data in the Wolfram Language, but its scope has been limited to the data stored in kernel's memory. In ...
Oliver Ruebenkoenig
In this talk, we will cover the usage of the NDSolve family of functions and the finite element method. The aim is to enable attendees to set up partial differential ...
Jonathan Heinz
Polaris-M was written in Mathematica as the first tool for analyzing interactions within optical systems by using real-world data and scientifically proven modeling. This presentation examines functions and displays written ...
Todd Gayley,Bob Sandheinrich,Bradley Ashby,Connor Gray ,Richard Hennigan , Brian Van Vertloo
Robert Nachbar
The recent addition of PatternReaction and ApplyReaction to Wolfram Language allows the user to programmatically manipulate atoms and bonds in molecule objects in a chemically meaningful way. This talk shows ...
Matteo Salvarezza
In this talk I will present NetExternalObject, a new symbol in Wolfram Language 13.2. It exposes new functionality to interface with external deep learning frameworks and run neural networks in their ...
Devendra Kapadia
This talk is an overview of upcoming features related to calculus and algebra in Wolfram Language, including dramatic speedups in polynomial algebra, new NFractionalD and NCaputoD functions, algorithmic advances for ...
Adam Strzebonski
The upcoming release of Mathematica includes significant performance improvements in polynomial algebra functions and in linear algebra for matrices of univariate polynomials. The release also includes functionality extensions in polynomial ...
Timothee Verdier
Rodrigo Obando
We introduce a unified model of cellular automata that represents rules by vectors of functions termed genes. We also discuss symmetric indices based on gene symmetry in each rule. We ...
Tigran Ishkhanyan
Fractional calculus develops the theory of differentiation of any real or complex order and studies the methods of solving differential equations involving these fractional-order derivatives. It is able to generalize ...