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Programming in the Wolfram Language

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701 videos match your search.
Кирилл Сомик
Константин Кориков
Владимир Портных - The Howard School
This webinar includes presentations on new Wolfram Language machine learning "superfunctions" and the latest enhancements to the neural net framework, including functionality for image processing, audio and natural language processing. ...
This webinar features talks that demonstrate how Version 12 of the Wolfram Language extends the capabilities of the entity framework, with a deeper look at food and nutrition data, cultural and ...
Wolfram Language developers demonstrate the latest calculus functionality and algebraic computation and show our built-in support for easily visualizing complex-valued data and functions, stunning maps with new classes of geo ...
This webinar features the latest Wolfram Language functionality for integrating with Python and NodeJS, interfacing with the Unity game engine, deploying to microcontrollers, interacting with blockchains and compiling/optimizing code ...
Giulio Alessandrini
Markus van Almsick
Giulio Alessandrini
Giulio Alessandrini
Timothée Verdier
Tom Sherlock
This talk covers the techniques used to filter, align and stack data collected using a backyard telescope in order to reduce noise and produce reasonable image results. Wolfram Language features ...
Devendra Kapadia
This presentation gives some historical context and explanation of why asymptotics provide a powerful alternative to exact and numerical methods. Examples show the latest functions for asymptotic computations in the ...
José Luis Gómez Muñoz
In this presentation, Prof. José Luis Gómez Muñoz explains his process for building Wolfram Cloud apps for teaching calculus and engineering design. Opportunities and future ...
Suba Thomas
This talk demonstrates how the Microcontroller Kit can be used to deploy code to a robot. Control systems functionality is used to design a differential speed controller, which, along with the Arduino libraries for the relevant sensors and actuators, is deployed to ...