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采用 Wolfram 语言进行折纸机构运动学仿真

折纸是一项古老的东方艺术,现代折纸工程学在航空航天、医疗器械等尖端领域有着广泛应用前景。但是由于运动学仿真工具的缺失,具备多自由度的折纸机构的运动学分析仍具备一定难度。Wolfram 语言提供了一种搭建基于机构构型空间搜索的多自由度机构运动学模型计算框架,在这个框架中集成了 Wolfram 语言的内置数学函数、优化求解器等标准数学工具;同时,Wolfram 语言便捷的可视化函数也能直观地展示折纸机构在构型空间中运动路径的迭代搜索过程。本次报告将以 Miura 折纸机构为例,详细说明如何搭建折纸机构运动学仿真框架。

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217 videos match your search.
This is part 4 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on getting started with basic graphics. Includes Chinese translation.
This is part 4 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on getting started with basic graphics. Includes Japanese audio.
This is part 5 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to make interactive graphics. Includes Chinese translation.
This is part 5 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to make interactive graphics. Includes Japanese audio.
This is part 6 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to utilize data. Includes Chinese translation.
This is part 6 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to utilize data. Includes Japanese audio.
This is part 7 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to create presentations. Includes Chinese translation.
This is part 7 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to create presentations. Includes Japanese audio.
This is part 8 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on building an example presentation complete with calculations, graphics, ...
This is part 1 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to get started using notebooks. Includes Spanish ...
This is part 8 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on building an example presentation complete with calculations, graphics, ...
This is part 2 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on different methods for getting started with Mathematica. Includes ...
This is part 3 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on getting started with basic calculations. Includes Spanish audio.
This is part 4 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on getting started with basic graphics. Includes Spanish audio.
This is part 5 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to make interactive graphics. Includes Spanish audio.
This is part 6 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to utilize data. Includes Spanish audio.
This is part 7 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on how to create presentations. Includes Spanish audio.
This is part 8 of an 8-part screencast series giving an overview of the benefits of Mathematica 8 for education, with a focus on building an example presentation complete with calculations, graphics, ...
Get an overview of Mathematica 8's new features, including free-form input, advanced statistics capabilities, state-of-the-art image processing, and more. Includes Japanese audio.
This screencast gives an introduction to Mathematica 8, including how to use free-form input, Wolfram|Alpha integration, and the Documentation Center. Includes Chinese translation.