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Toward Wolfram Language Molecular Dynamics Workflows: Nanoparticle Self-Assembly

The Wolfram Language facilitates a broad variety of scientific and industrial workflows.In this talk, Nick Brunk highlights Wolfram Language facilitation of high-throughput, experimentally validated molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of nanoparticle/colloidal agglomeration, a phenomenon central to both natural events and man-made technology.

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Channels: Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference 2020

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Amina Matt, George Varnavides
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Tigran Ishkhanyan
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Matteo Salvarezza
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Anton Antonov
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Jesse Galef
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Jofre Espigule-Pons
Current smartphones are powerful enough to run neural networks locally without a cloud server connection. Deploying and running a custom neural network on your phone depends on your phone's operating ...