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Hands-on Start to Mathematica (Version 10): Complete Example

Hands-on Start to Mathematica is an 8-part tutorial screencast series that provides step-by-step instruction to get you started with Mathematica. In this last video of the series, you'll get a chance to test your skills by creating a complete example from start to finish, incorporating all of the things you've learned throughout these tutorials.

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134 videos match your search.
Cliff Hastings
Creating interactive models in Mathematica allows students to explore hard-to-understand concepts and test theories and to quickly gain a deeper understanding of the materials being taught firsthand. This screencast shows ...
Creating interactive models in Mathematica allows students to explore hard-to-understand concepts, test theories, and quickly gain a deeper understanding of the materials being taught firsthand. This screencast shows you how ...
Kelvin Mischo
This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 course gives educators an overall picture of how Mathematica can benefit an engineering curriculum with examples of modeling, simulation, visualization, and document creation.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Chinese audio.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Portuguese audio.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Russian audio.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Spanish audio.
Abby Brown
High-school mathematics teacher Abby Brown quickly describes the benefits of teaching with interactive content created with Mathematica.
Abby Brown
High-school mathematics teacher Abby Brown quickly describes how easy it is to generate classroom exercises with Mathematica.
Abby Brown
High-school mathematics teacher Abby Brown quickly describes how easy it is for teachers to format Mathematica notebooks for use as notes, lectures, assignments, presentations, and slide shows.
Cliff Hastings
This is the first video in a series showing examples of Mathematica features that are especially useful for K–12 and community college educators. In this video, educators share firsthand experiences ...
Cliff Hastings
This is the second video in a series showing examples of Mathematica features that are especially useful for K–12 and community college educators. In this video, you'll discover how easy ...
Cliff Hastings
This is the third video in a series showing examples of Mathematica that are features especially useful for K–12 and community college educators. Topics include mathematical typesetting, slide shows, interactive ...
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, and document and publish.
Filip Švrček
Filip Švrček, an assistant professor in the department of algebra and geometry, faculty of sciences, at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, shared classroom examples that demonstrate the power ...
Nikki Johnson
Explore the various ways mobile devices can tap into the power of Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha to enhance learning in math, science, and even music classrooms in this recorded presentation ...
Crystal Fantry
This screencast from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 explores the various ways that mobile devices can tap into the power of Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha to enhance learning in math, ...
Zhilan Feng
Zhilan Feng, a CDC collaborating researcher, uses Mathematica's computational power to develop and analyze a model of the dynamics and control of H1N1 via medications.
Chris Lee
The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages.
Chris Lee
The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. Includes Spanish audio.