Wolfram 언어

시각화: 라벨, 스케일, 제외

유성우 데이터

LabelingFunctionCallout을 결합하여 일정 조건을 충족하는 데이터만 라벨을 붙입니다.

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styles = {Joined -> False, Filling -> Bottom, FillingStyle -> Thick, PlotTheme -> "SingleAxis", PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Yellow, LabelStyle -> White, Background -> Black, ImageSize -> 550};
Click for copyable input
meteorData = MeteorShowerData[All, {"PeakDate", "PeakZHR", "Name"}]; meteorData = DeleteMissing[meteorData, 1, 1]; meteorData = meteorData[[All, ;; 2]] -> meteorData[[All, -1]];
Click for copyable input
DateListPlot[meteorData, styles, FrameLabel -> {"Peak Date", "Peak Frequency"}, PlotLabel -> "Peak Dates and Frequencies of Meteor Showers, 2016", LabelingFunction -> (If[Last@# > 50, Callout[Last@Flatten[#3], Above], None] &)]

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