Wolfram Language

Visualization: Labels, Scales, Exclusions

Styling Callouts

Use named appearances for callouts.

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Grid[Partition[Table[ Plot[{Callout[Log[x] Sin[x], a, 3, Appearance -> a, CalloutStyle -> Black], Log[x] Cos[x]}, {x, 1, 2 Pi}, PlotTheme -> "Minimal", ImageSize -> 100, Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> {{1, 2 Pi}, {-2, 4}}], {a, {"Leader", "CurvedLeader", "SlantedLabel", "Frame", "Line", "Corners", "Balloon", "LineBalloon"}}], 4, 4, 1, {}]]

Connect callouts to their anchor points with built-in shapes.

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Grid[Partition[Table[ Plot[{Callout[Log[x] Sin[x], marker, {4, .5}, 3, CalloutMarker -> {marker, 8}, CalloutStyle -> Black], Log[x] Cos[x]}, {x, 1, 2 Pi}, PlotTheme -> "Minimal", ImageSize -> 100, Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> 1], {marker, {"CirclePoint", "Circle", "BoxPoint", "Box", "Star", "OpenStar", "Arrow", "OpenArrow"}}], 4, 4, 1, {}], Spacings -> {1, 1}]

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